Tue 11 Jul 2023 8:32 am - Jerusalem Time

Large demonstrations in "Israel" and the ratification of a controversial law

Demonstrations and protests spread, on Tuesday morning, to separate areas of "Israel", amid the closure of main streets, after parties opposing what is known as "judicial reforms" called for these demonstrations, in protest against the continuation of the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in moving forward with this " Reforms".

It is expected that this evening will be a central demonstration in Tel Aviv, while the coming hours will witness protests near Lod Airport, "Ben Gurion", and an attempt to disrupt flights from it. As reported by the Israeli Arabic-speaking Makan Radio.

Since last night, the Israeli police began deploying its forces in separate areas, in preparation for dealing with the possibility of attempting to harm any Israeli public figure.

The police said it would deploy a number of undercover officers in civilian clothes on the main roads to prevent any clashes.

This comes after the Israeli Knesset passed a controversial law related to the work of the judiciary.

Tonight, the bill to reduce the reasonableness argument was approved in the first reading, with the support of all members of the government coalition, after a long and heated debate in the Knesset plenary.

The bill was opposed by 56 members of opposition parties.

When Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana announced the results of the vote, members of the opposition chanted "shame" and were marched out of the plenary hall. On the other hand, members of the coalition applauded the result.

A day after the approval in the first reading of the draft law on reducing the argument of reasonableness, which aims to limit the powers of the Supreme Court, parties opposing changes in the judiciary are launching today large-scale protest activities in most parts of the country in an activity called "National Paralysis Day", which the organizers describe as inappropriate. unprecedented so far.


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Large demonstrations in "Israel" and the ratification of a controversial law