Mon 10 Jul 2023 9:43 am - Jerusalem Time

Chinese Ambassador: We call for ending division and strengthening Palestinian national unity

Chinese Ambassador to Palestine Zeng Jishin said that the Palestinian issue for China represents international justice that must be achieved. He said that China, out of its advanced position and sense of responsibility, will continue its unwavering support for the Palestinian people and their just cause, on the basis of the two-state solution, fairness to the Palestinian people, and lifting aid from them.

During his visit to the headquarters of Al-Quds newspaper and his meeting with the editor-in-chief, Mr. Muhammad Abu Libdeh, the correspondents officer, Muhammad Abu Khudair, the administrative and financial director, Mr. Hani Al-Abbasi, and the official in charge of social media platforms and the newspaper's website, Khalil Abbasi, Ambassador Jishin said that he visited the city of Jenin and its camp on Saturday and was briefed on the extent of the destruction and losses caused by the Israeli aggression. He was in a state of astonishment and did not see these attacks as a gateway to peace and strengthening security, stressing that the way to resolve and end the conflict is through negotiations and dialogue that leads to ending the occupation and establishing the Palestinian state.

The Chinese ambassador affirmed his country's position in support of the rights of the Palestinian people, and his country's support for the principle of the two-state solution. He also stressed his country's continuation in providing support to the State of Palestine in various fields that serve Palestine and its people.

He said that since I took office three months ago, I visited Bethlehem, Jericho, and Jenin, and I intend to visit the rest of the Palestinian cities, and my visit to Jenin was impressive, as we do not want things to reach the point of bloody war.

The Chinese ambassador affirmed China's keenness on the internal Palestinian reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas and between the West Bank and Gaza, and said: "The internal reconciliation strengthens the Palestinian national position in the event that there are negotiations with the Israeli side."

In response to a question about the importance of strengthening the Chinese role and breaking the US administration's monopoly on sponsoring the negotiations and the possibility of China playing a mediating role in the negotiations within an international group that is more neutral and impartial than the US administration that adopts and sponsors the occupation and justifies its violations, Ambassador Jishin said that the Chinese president put forward a new three-point initiative It constitutes a continuation of Chinese efforts to achieve peace in the region, and builds on its two initiatives in 2013 and 2017, and all initiatives carry a fair vision for resolving the Palestinian issue.

He explained, "The Chinese leader's recent initiative consists of three points: establishing an independent Palestinian state, ensuring the economic and developmental needs of the Palestinian people, and striving towards resuming negotiations as the right path and option for all parties." He added that this is China's vision of the Palestinian issue, and it is in line with what the president put forward. Jinping earlier, but it takes into account developments."

He said: "The Palestinian issue is a complex issue. China has made continuous and intensive efforts to solve it in a way that guarantees the restoration of the Palestinian people to their inalienable national rights. As a permanent member of the Security Council, China works to advance the peace process in the Middle East, and plays an honest role aimed at achieving security and stability for all countries in the region." .

Ambassador Jishin stressed the importance of the outcomes of President Abbas's visit to China, in the middle of last June, and its historical dimensions, and the features it drew for the relationship between the two countries in the next stage, 35 years after the establishment of diplomatic relations between Palestine and China. "The visit was fruitful and successful, and its most prominent outcome was the announcement by Presidents Abbas and Xi Jinping of a strategic partnership that can be summed up in three words: friendship, cooperation and peace," Jishin said.

He added: President Abbas is the first Arab leader that China received this year after the Corona pandemic, at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, and this is a great indication of the depth of historical relations between the two countries, which were built on a solid foundation. He stressed that China will continue its unwavering support for the Palestinian cause, leading to the restoration of the Palestinian people's inalienable rights.

Jishin stated that the Chinese-Palestinian partnership and cooperation will develop to implement global development initiatives, global security, and global civilization, and China will continue to advance cooperation within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, and provide all possible support to Palestine in various fields. Likewise, the two sides will work to advance the outcomes of the recent Arab-Chinese summit held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia last December, and the two sides will also work to enhance cooperation in regional and international affairs, and work to establish a multilateral international system away from hegemony.

Jichin stressed China's support for Palestine's endeavors to obtain full membership in the United Nations, "We stress these positions in all international forums, including in the United Nations, and it believes that it can play a distinguished role because it enjoys good relations with all countries in the region."

In response to a question about the fact that media reports differed about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu receiving an invitation to visit Beijing, or he was the one who requested this invitation, the Chinese ambassador said, “We have strong friendship relations with the Palestinian and Israeli sides, and we aspire to harness these relations in order to establish peace without prejudice or interest.” Especially to achieve justice, peace and stability in the region.

He added that the Chinese-Israeli relations are a relationship of benefit and common interests, and we are working to strengthen the efforts, desire and trust between the Palestinian and Israeli sides so that China can play a role in bringing about peace between the two parties, noting that it does not seem that there is an Israeli party that wants to sit at the negotiating table with the Palestinians.

The ambassador compared the Chinese role in the reconciliation and the agreement that was signed between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iran, and said that the basis of this agreement is the strong friendship that brings China together with Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the desire of the two parties to play the role of reconciliation, which provided the reasons for the success of the Chinese mediation. In improving relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, as it "has made unremitting efforts in this direction, leading to a new chapter in relations between the two countries, and has provided a good model for strengthening relations between countries on the basis of dialogue, and provides a basis for peace in the region, unlike other countries and powers that move to exploit conflicts to achieve their interests." ".

He added, "Saudi Arabia and Iran are two countries that are friends of China, and they trust the Chinese positions, and for this reason, the miracle was achieved in their relations with Chinese efforts."

Jishin said, "China's history, which dates back to more than 5,000 years, is based on love and peace, and China's positions on regional issues are fair and just. We do not have greed and do not seek to exploit the existing conflict. Rather, we are working to promote dialogue and peace in the world, and the Chinese role is welcomed by all countries in the region." It will adhere to this principle and, on the basis of it, will continue its efforts to advance the peace process in the Middle East.

Ambassador Jishin affirmed keenness to expand media cooperation and consolidate the principles of freedom and exchange of information for the benefit of the Chinese and Palestinian peoples.

For his part, Khalil Al-Abbasi, responsible for the social media platforms, the website, Facebook, and Touter, gave an explanation about the volume of Palestinian, Arab, and international interaction with our website, and how to spread the Palestinian narrative since the founding of the website, and these platforms, which are popular and have great interaction.

He said that the website of Al-Quds newspaper is distinguished, and it is the first to publish the Palestinian novel in the three languages, Arabic, English and Hebrew, through a specialized staff on platforms and websites, as well as the Facebook page, followed by more than 10 million people at home and abroad.

At the end of the meeting, Ambassador Jishin presented a symbolic gift from the ancient Chinese heritage, stressing the role of the Palestinian media and press in the ongoing conflict, calling for the importance of cooperation, coordination and exchange of Palestinian-Chinese experiences.


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Chinese Ambassador: We call for ending division and strengthening Palestinian national unity