Thu 22 Jun 2023 10:12 am - Jerusalem Time

In just six months: Israel approves record 13,000 settlement units

Israel's far-right government, led by Benjamin Netanyahu. has doubled the number of settlement units approved for construction in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

According to the figures published in the Hebrew newspaper, Israel Hayom, the government has approved 13,000 settlement units in its first six months in office, almost double the previous record set under the Donald Trump's presidency. 

This comes in light of the government's approval of 1,000 settlement units in Eli, near Ramallah. The move was framed as a response to the shooting attack on Tuesday, in which two Palestinian gunmen killed four Israelis at a gas station. 

The government approved an additional 4,500 settlement units a few days earlier, as well as easing the procedures for construction in the occupied West Bank.

At the peak of the Trump era, 10,000 units were approved in a single year.

However, unlike his predecessor, U.S. President Joe Biden has expressed his opposition to the construction of settlements, arguing that they undercut the prospect of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 

Far-right leader Bezalel Smotrich, who is the finance minister and a minister in the Israel's Defense Ministry, addressed the media in anticipation of a fierce American reaction: “The publication of construction plans is good news for the citizens of Israel...we are at the peak of our work, and we will continue to lead on settlements."

Israel's opposition criticized the steps from different perspectives. 

Yair Lapid, leader of the opposition, noted that "we are already in a major crisis with the Americans, and this kind of behavior is causing damage to relations."

Benny Gantz, leader of the National Unity Party, voiced his support for more settlement construction, but said that it should be done in a "correct manner. What is currently happening is Netanyahu's surrender to Smotrich."


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In just six months: Israel approves record 13,000 settlement units