Fri 25 Oct 2024 7:30 pm - Jerusalem Time

Former US official calls 30-day deadline for Gaza aid a PR stunt

Hala Rareet, the former Arabic-language spokeswoman for the State Department who resigned over U.S. support for the genocidal massacre in Gaza, said in an interview broadcast Wednesday that the Biden administration’s warning to Israel to allow more aid into Gaza within 30 days was nothing more than a pre-election public relations stunt.

“I can tell you, as someone who has worked inside the State Department’s PR machine, that this is, unfortunately, a PR stunt. I’m sad to say it, but it’s the truth. It’s conveniently 30 days, which is the time after the election,” Hala Rareit told Democracy Now. “It was also conveniently leaked. It’s not often that a statement like this would be leaked to the press, but it was.”

The Biden administration sent the letter to Israeli officials on October 14, suggesting that if the demands were not met, U.S. military aid could be affected. However, the letter did not explicitly threaten to cut off arms shipments, and the State Department also declined to say whether there would be any consequences for Israel.

“The reality is that the State Department and the administration are trying at this point to give voters, particularly those who are deeply concerned about the conflict in Gaza, some hope: ‘If you vote for us, after these 30 days, we will enforce the law, we will make a change,’” Rare said. “This is an absolute deception of voters and of the American people.”

The United States is violating multiple foreign aid laws by providing military aid to Israel, Rarit said. “The fact is that we, as the United States government, are violating U.S. law, and many laws that your viewers can Google: the Leahy Law, the Foreign Assistance Act, the Arms Export Control Act. We continue to deliberately violate laws in order to increase U.S. military aid to Israel,” she said.

Speaking about State Department spokesman Matt Miller, Rarity called him a liar. “As for Matthew Miller, I’ll be clear: He’s lying,” she said. “I know, and I realize that’s a strong thing for me to say, but as a former diplomat, I can confirm that.”

Rarit pointed to the fact that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was the obstacle to the ceasefire agreement, while the State Department has always blamed Hamas. “There have been ceasefire deals that Hamas has agreed to. I am not an apologist for the terrorist organization at all, and I want to be clear about that. But the facts are the facts. Hamas has repeatedly agreed to ceasefire deals. It was Benjamin Netanyahu who backed out of those deals,” she said.

Rarit resigned from her position at the State Department last April. A career diplomat, she first entered the Foreign Service in 2006. She is one of 13 officials from U.S. government agencies who have publicly resigned over President Biden’s unequivocal support for the massacre in Gaza.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday that Israel needs to show “more progress” on aid flows to Gaza, according to the State Department, The Washington Post reported. Blinken told reporters in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, a day after meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, that there is an urgent need to increase aid flows to the Gaza Strip. Blinken said he discussed “urgent and sustainable steps” needed from Israel to improve humanitarian conditions.

"I can confirm that there is progress, which is good, but more progress needs to be made, and more importantly, it needs to continue," Blinken said, referring to the flow of aid to Gaza.


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Former US official calls 30-day deadline for Gaza aid a PR stunt