Fri 14 Jun 2024 3:19 pm - Jerusalem Time

Biden does not expect to reach an agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza soon

US President Joe Biden said yesterday, Thursday, that he does not expect to reach a ceasefire agreement in Gaza any time soon as the Israeli massacre and starvation of the Palestinians continue.

According to the Associated Press, Biden was asked at the G7 summit whether he believed a truce agreement would be reached soon. He simply replied: “No,” and added that he still “has not given up hope.”

His comments came a few days after the resistance movement Hamas responded to the ceasefire proposal that President Biden announced publicly on May 31. According to press reports, the main point of contention is that Hamas wants Israel to adhere to a permanent ceasefire and withdraw from Gaza in advance.

In his response to the questions of the Al-Quds correspondent regarding the nature of the outstanding issues regarding, and what are the points that US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said could be bridged, and others that could not be bridged, the official spokesman for the US State Department, Matthew Miller, said on Thursday: “I will not talk about the points, and I will leave them alone.” The mediators are talking about this. It is clear that we were in contact about this on Tuesday evening with the Egyptian mediators, and the minister spoke directly with the Qatari mediator, the Prime Minister, yesterday during his meeting in Doha, and they tend to be in fairly regular contact with the political wing of the Hamas movement ".

"But in terms of what the next step of the negotiations will look like, I don't want to get into that from here other than to say that we are committed to trying to move forward to reach a ceasefire. We were disappointed with the response that came from Hamas. And as the minister says - we were disappointed," he added. You heard some other people say - there were some changes proposed that were fairly minor and were fairly workable, and then there were some changes that we don't see as workable but, nonetheless, we are committed to trying to move forward and reach a ceasefire Because we still believe that it is in the interest of all parties involved.”

Miller speculated about Hamas' position: "I personally do not believe that the comments or lack of comments by the Israeli government had anything to do with the substance of Hamas's response, which included a number of changes that could delay negotiations any further."

Miller emphasized: “Achieving a ceasefire is urgent. There are people suffering every day. There are Palestinians dying every day as a result of this conflict. There are hostages who are still being held. We see that the conflict in northern Israel continues to reach alarming levels. We want "Addressing all of these issues, the best way to do that is through a ceasefire, and that's why we will continue to strive for that, and we want that to happen without delay."

The initial proposal included a first phase of a six-week ceasefire, during which time a permanent truce would be negotiated and then implemented in the second phase. “Israeli officials believed that the language was vague enough to enable Israel and Hamas to enter the first phase without Israel actually committing to a permanent ceasefire,” The Times of Israel assessed.

After Biden first floated the proposal, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected it, saying he would not agree to a permanent ceasefire until Israel achieves its goals in Gaza, which include destroying Hamas. Netanyahu's repeated rejection of a permanent truce has prompted Hamas to seek stronger guarantees.

Despite Netanyahu's rejection of Biden's proposal, American officials continue to claim that Israel accepted it, and they hold Hamas all the blame for not reaching an agreement.

Meanwhile, the genocidal war on Gaza continues, with Israeli bombing hitting areas of Rafah on Thursday. A day before that, an eight-year-old Palestinian girl died of starvation due to the Israeli siege. The child, Hanan Al-Zaanin, was supposed to be transferred to Egypt to receive treatment for severe malnutrition, but the Rafah border crossing has been closed since Israel took control of it on May 7.


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Biden does not expect to reach an agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza soon