Thu 13 Jun 2024 10:28 pm - Jerusalem Time

Consultations on the deal continue, and Hamas calls on Biden to put pressure on Israel

The New York Times quoted an informed official as saying that CIA Director William Burns met in Doha with Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani and Egyptian intelligence chief Abbas Kamel.

The source said that the meeting focused on finding ways to bring the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Israel closer together in order to reach a ceasefire agreement in Gaza and release the detainees.

He added that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's statements made Hamas wonder whether Israel wanted a permanent cessation of fighting.

For her part, Al Jazeera's correspondent reported that the "State Camp" party led by Benny Gantz submitted a proposal to withdraw confidence from the government, and the proposal will be discussed next week.

The "State Camp" party says that the proposal to withhold confidence from the government comes against the backdrop of the absence of a strategic plan to restore security to the residents of the northern border towns with Lebanon.

Party leader Benny Gantz told the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation that Netanyahu prevented an exchange deal due to political motives.

Biden endorsement

In a parallel context, the draft final statement of the Seventh Summit confirmed its support for the American proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of detainees.

White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that a large number of the changes proposed by Hamas are in line with US President Joe Biden's speech regarding the ceasefire agreement, pointing out that some of Hamas's observations are not in line with what was stated in the speech.

Regarding Israel's position, Sullivan said that it agreed to everything President Biden said, and is committed to it, and no Israeli official has issued the opposite, as he put it.

Sullivan added that Washington will work with Qatar and Egypt to bridge the gaps, and they will in turn work with Hamas, stressing that there is no timetable for the end of the negotiations, which he described as complex.

Sullivan indicated that work is being done diligently to reach an agreement in line with what was stated in Biden’s speech and the Security Council resolution, considering this possible.

"Perpetual peace"

In turn, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the currently proposed proposal to stop the war in Gaza is the fastest and most effective way to reach a permanent ceasefire.

Blinken added, in an interview with Al Jazeera, that the deal proposal opens the door to many possibilities regarding the goal that the United States seeks to achieve, which is a lasting and real peace in the region and the establishment of a Palestinian state.

For its part, Hamas said that it expressed a positive position on Biden's speech, while it only heard from Netanyahu the continuation of the war of extermination.

The movement added, in a statement, that it agreed to the proposal it received from the mediators on May 5, while Netanyahu responded by attacking Rafah.

The movement called on the US Secretary of State and the Biden administration to put pressure on the occupation government that insists on completing the mission of killing and extermination.

Hamas added that Blinken is talking about Israel's approval of the latest proposal, while the movement has not heard this approval from any Israeli official.

The movement said that the Netanyahu government continued to reject any permanent ceasefire, in contradiction to the Security Council resolution and the Biden initiative.

Regarding the Security Council resolution, which the movement welcomed, Hamas said that the world had not heard any Israeli welcome or approval of it.


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Consultations on the deal continue, and Hamas calls on Biden to put pressure on Israel