الأربعاء 21 يونيو 2023 4:09 مساءً - بتوقيت القدس

Shtayyeh: What happened in Turmusaya, the occupation will pay for it

Today, Wednesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh said, "The barbaric attacks carried out by settlers on peaceful citizens and the destruction of their homes and properties in Turmusaya reflect the mentality of burning and killing that rules in Israel."

Shtayyeh added, "Opening the way for settlers to riot under the protection and eyes of the occupation army is a recipe for destruction, for which everyone will pay, and the Israeli government with all its components bears responsibility for terrorizing settlers and the army."

He stressed that the Palestinian people and their leadership are in one line to confront this continuous aggression, which began in Al-Aqsa and extended to Gaza, Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah, Hawara, Al-Laban, and today, Turmusaya.

Shtayyeh contacted the mayor of Turmusaya, Lafi Adeeb, to see the situation in the village and check on the citizens.


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Shtayyeh: What happened in Turmusaya, the occupation will pay for it

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الأربعاء 12 يونيو 2024 10:08 صباحًا

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