الثّلاثاء 20 يونيو 2023 8:15 مساءً - بتوقيت القدس

Abu Rudeineh: Jerusalem is in real danger

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Information Nabil Abu Rudeineh said that the city of Jerusalem with its sanctities is under great danger, and a campaign of Judaization by the Israeli occupation, which requires us, as Palestinians and Arabs, to unite ranks, and to make a unified political and media effort, directed to the countries of the world to defend it.

Abu Rudeineh's statements came during an international symposium held on the sidelines of the Conference of Arab Ministers of Information, which will be held in the Moroccan capital, Rabat, tomorrow, Wednesday, and deals with the role of the media in supporting the cultural identity of Jerusalem. Morocco has Jamal Al-Shobaki, and a large number of Arab ministers, researchers, and intellectuals.

He stressed that there is an Israeli campaign to falsify history through a misleading narrative that tries to falsify the facts, but the Palestinian narrative is stronger, and the need is necessary for a joint Palestinian and Arab effort to convey the Palestinian narrative to the world, and without Jerusalem there will be no Palestinian state, as it is the gateway to heaven and the cradle of religions.

Abu Rudeineh stressed that Jerusalem is greater than all of us, and it is the most important for the Palestinian cause and leadership, and its top priority, stressing the leadership's keenness on joint Arab action, in order to carry out an intensive media campaign supported by the Arab countries, to support the justice of our cause, and to establish the identity of Palestine.

He pointed out that the city of Jerusalem is witnessing a very accelerated Judaization campaign by the Israeli occupation, and that our people are standing firm on their land, clinging to their rights, and will not give them up.

He wondered: How can the Arab media, alongside the Palestinian media, serve Jerusalem and its sanctities, and preserve its history and its Palestinian, Arab, Islamic, and Christian identity?

Abu Rudeineh explained that we need to put in place mechanisms to activate the decisions taken in the previous councils of Arab information ministers through a media campaign. Jerusalem today is in danger, and it needs all Arab political and media efforts to protect it and defend its sanctities, history and cultural heritage.

He said that the Israeli occupation, since its establishment, has been carrying out excavations at the bottom of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, to search for any evidence of a Jewish presence there, but it has not succeeded in that, because Jerusalem is Arab, Islamic and Christian.

Abu Rudeineh added that Jerusalem is facing, in addition to Judaization, a campaign of forced displacement of its original Palestinian population, and the occupation forces are demolishing homes and displacing the holy ones from their homes, leaving them without shelter, as is happening in the neighborhoods of: Sheikh Jarrah, Shuafat, Al-Isawiya, and other neighborhoods in Jerusalem.

And he stressed the need to find an Arab voice with the US administration as well, because it is the only one capable of curbing Israel, noting that the current administration has expressed positive positions with the two-state solution, stopping settlements, preserving the historical situation in Jerusalem, and preventing the displacement of residents, but all of that remained slogans. It was not implemented, and only expressed its annoyance and condemnation of the continuous Israeli aggressions against our people.

Abu Rudeineh concluded: Israel deals with itself above the law, and it is actually outside international law, and we went to Aqaba and Sharm el-Sheikh and agreed to freeze settlements, but after two days they announced new settlement units, and this proves that they do not want calm, which calls for stances obligated to comply with international laws.



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Abu Rudeineh: Jerusalem is in real danger

أسعار العملات

الإثنين 24 يونيو 2024 10:48 صباحًا

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