

Wed 15 Mar 2023 8:09 pm - Jerusalem Time

Expensive occupation

Written by: Walid Al-Hodali

These days, the West Bank is witnessing a remarkable rise in the activities of the resistance, especially shooting operations. The revolutionary level in the chests and on the ground rises and falls. If it decreases, the cost of the occupation decreases, and if it increases, its cost increases. Based on this rule, what is required is to raise the occupation’s human and material bill, which would make its calculations difficult, and to think seriously about getting rid of this costly occupation.
This is the only recipe for salvation from the occupation, and it was tried in Lebanon, where the Israeli army carried out an "escape" operation in the cover of darkness in May 2000, which it called Operation Dusk, and it was humiliating and humiliating. History wrote a bright end to the resistance to the occupier and wrote on dark black pages its bitter end in Lebanon, and this beautiful scenario was also repeated in the Gaza Strip, as its days turned black and shooting operations spread, which began with the "Imad Akl" operations, then expanded and expanded and it is no longer a force. The occupation and its tyranny are able to stop the state of regressive loss, and keeping the occupation without loss or potential loss became impossible, so the best option for Sharon was to withdraw, despite the fact that he is one of their most bloody, criminal and extremist leaders.
And because the year of life does not go along with the oppressor, and because the oppressor does not know how to seize the opportunity, or because his ambitions blind him from seeing reality as it should, the matter returns to its normal situation, where the opposite struggle is against the opposite. Every free person rejects the continuation of his oppression and tyranny, and refuses for his people to be deprived of their freedom, dignity and sovereignty over their land.
There are many factors confirming this path, including the obstruction of the horizon in front of the Palestinian Authority, as the occupation wants it to play its functional role without realizing the aspirations of the people in it to achieve a truly national authority with sovereignty, dignity, and an autonomous ability to be independent from the occupier, liberation, and self-determination. He is in charge of everything, meaning its soul is in his hand, if he stops the tax clearing, for example, its balance is disturbed and it is no longer able to pay the salaries of its employees, except for all the main aspects of its life in his hand, the crossings, import and export, water and the open market for its goods...etc.
Therefore, we found in the model of Jenin and the north of the West Bank and the ability of the resistance fighters to formulate a new equation that brought back the conflict between the two main opposites. Therefore, the continuation of the West Bank in this way, while feeding all the cultural and media tributaries that raise the revolutionary level in the collective consciousness of the people of the West Bank, would restore the equation to Its natural condition makes the occupation costly and thus its continuation on this land impossible.


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Expensive occupation