The “Six Hour War,” which was initiated by the military field command of the Hamas movement and those with it, and launched at the dawn of October 7, under the name “Al-Aqsa Flood,” comes as a Palestinian response to the shameful June 1967 war, which Israel is keen to call the “Six-Day War.” ». Its repercussions may extend to Saïs-Picot, who cut off the Levant and Greater Syria, and to the Balfour Declaration and the overall results of the First World War.
Israelis are mistaken when they believe that America (and the West with it) protects and defends them. America defends America's role and interests, its role at the head of the global system, which is reeling and on the verge of collapse these days. Israel, in this context, is nothing more than a tool, and perhaps the most important among America’s tools in this era.
I am not a historian. But everyone who reads history knows the fact that whoever dominates “the land of Palestine” (from a distance, in most of the eras, if not in all of them) dominates the world and imposes the world order. This has been the case since the beginning of recorded history, and this is the way it is until now, and for the following eras and eras as well.
The facts of recorded history prove this fact. This was the situation since the time of the Assyrians and Babylonians, and it continued in all subsequent eras, the eras of the Pharaohs, Persians, Greeks and Romans. This was the situation in the Umayyad era and the Abbasid era, and throughout the two hundred years of the Crusades.
In order not to delve deep and far into history, we content ourselves with recording that “the land of Palestine” was under Ottoman domination when this empire controlled the largest part of Europe, from Vienna to Budapest. When the Ottoman Caliphate collapsed in World War I, Britain inherited hegemony over Palestine, and the “empire on which the sun never sets” began preparing to hand over control of Palestine to the racist Zionist movement. Britain succeeded in achieving its plot, and continued to have a very influential role in global decisions, until 1956, when it committed the folly of participating in the “tripartite aggression” with France and Israel, without prior coordination with America, and the two most important results were:
- The alignment of interests between the United States (Eisenhower) and the Soviet Union (Khrushchev) and Britain’s loss of its sole role in everything “East of Suez.”
Britain’s handing over of the “keys of hegemony” over the land of Palestine to America, and Britain’s (practical and undeclared) renunciation of any independent role in its foreign policy, and its commitment to what America decides. An example of this is: the two wars on Iraq, the story of fabricating the “lie of the era” that Iraq possesses unconventional weapons, and much more.
With the transfer of control over the “land of Palestine” to America, alone, the first impression was American admiration for the Israeli military performance, and what resulted from this admiration in starting to rely on Israel as a “strategic ally” of America, signing the relevant agreements with it, and providing it with all the equipment it could absorb. And weapons, to enable it, initially, and to encourage it, later, to initiate the “Six Day War.”
The “Six Hour War” (Al-Aqsa Flood) falls into this level and historical context, which had to be narrated and recorded, to be a guide for us on how to read it and anticipate the radical change it may bring about and result from, in the entire picture of the future status of “the land of Palestine.” ».
It is important to realize that the Hamas attacks (on October 7th) did not occur in a vacuum, and that these attacks do not justify for Israel the mass killing taking place in Gaza.
Whoever said that “the land of Palestine” is “the navel of the Earth” was right, and any event in it overshadows all other events. Who has heard any news about what has happened and is happening in terms of events, developments and fighting in Ukraine, since the outbreak of the “Six Hour War” at dawn on October 7? I only heard one piece of news: that the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, asked to arrange a visit to Israel, to show solidarity with it, and the Israeli response was that the time was not appropriate to receive him. This is because everything that is happening there is large and dangerous, but it is limited to its impact on Europe: its east and west, NATO, and the Russian Federation. As for the news of Palestine and its land, the news of “the navel of the globe,” it affects the entire body of the world in its dimensions.
We move from narrating this history to the events of our days. Due to the limited space available, we limit the treatment to two topics:
First: Israel lost its nerve when Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, said at the emergency session of the Security Council: “It is important to realize that the Hamas attacks (on October 7th) did not occur in a vacuum, and that these attacks do not justify for Israel the mass killing it is witnessing.” Gaza". The resurrection of Israel stemmed from this statement. Its Foreign Minister, Eli Cohen, criticized and rejected Guterres' statement, and canceled a meeting with him, which was scheduled before that statement. Israel's representative to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, outbid his minister and "demanded that the Secretary-General of the United Nations resign...immediately!"
Guterres attributed the events of October 7 to accumulations since the beginning of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967. This is what Israel does not accept. Our problem with the Israeli occupation and colonialism is that it wants to fragment events and developments according to its whims and moods, regardless of the objective facts and the interconnection of events between cause and effect, between action and reaction. If, whoever it is, what is happening today is linked to what came before it, as stated in Guterres’s speech, Israel will lose its nerve. By the way: Guterres’s link to the developments taking place these days is not accurate at all. The roots of these events extend from the siege of the Gaza Strip, to what came before it... to the colonization of the Gaza Strip in 1967. It extends to the “Nakba” of 1948, and the transformation of more than 75% of those currently residing in the Gaza Strip into refugees who were expelled from villages, cities, and Bedouin settlements of the “Gaza Brigade” and other Palestinian brigades. It extends to the Balfour Declaration in 1917; It leads to the establishment of the racist Zionist movement in 1896.
When these matters are put into perspective, Israel flees back 2,500 years, and uses the myths of their Torah, which makes God, Glory be to Him, and more correctly, it makes the God of their myths, a land and real estate broker, giving Abraham (and not Abraham of Hebron) “the land of Palestine.” “For him and for his descendants from his wife Sarah” only! How can we discuss those who return to the legends of the ancients?
The second topic: We learned from political science books that the state builds an army and military force to protect its interests and deter those who want to violate its borders and harm its citizens and interests. Which means that if the state resorts to using its army, it means the failure of its policy. This is proven by the reality of the actions of the Israeli occupation and colonial state. It is a continuing failure of all Israeli policies.
We have mercy on all our martyrs as a result of these continuing criminal Israeli attacks, and we feel pain with all the wounded and injured, may God help them, but we remember with joy and pride the victory of the Algerian revolution, and the liberation and independence of Algeria. This revolution came from the brotherly heroic Algerian people, one and a half million martyrs. The revolution against the hateful French colonialism lasted for about eight years, specifically: 2803 days, from its launch on 11/1/1954 until the day of its declaration of independence, which means that on each day of its glorious revolution, it sacrificed from 350 to 530 martyrs. May God have mercy on all the martyrs of our Arab nation.
If I were to end these lines on a personal note, I would say: I was in Beirut the day I received the news of my father’s death in Sakhnin, in November 1973. I was very sad.. and I said to those who were with me: My greatest consolation with my father’s death is that it took place after the Sixth War. October, and he did not die as a result of the June 1967 war.
Congratulations to every Palestinian and Arab who witnessed and followed the 7th of October.
"Arab Jerusalem"
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From the “Six Day War” to the “Six Hour War”: A New World