

Tue 24 Oct 2023 1:33 pm - Jerusalem Time

The Palestinian cause has become a global cause

By Ramzy Baroud

There was a time when the “Arab-Israeli conflict” concerned Arabs and Israelis. But over the years it has been renamed. The media are telling us today that this is a “Hamas-Israel conflict”.

But what went wrong? Israel has simply become too powerful.

The supposedly stunning Israeli victories over the years against Arab armies have emboldened Israel to the point that it has come to view itself not as a regional superpower, but also as a global power. Israel, by its own definition, has become “invincible.”

This terminology was not simply a tactic aimed at breaking the morale of Palestinians and Arabs. Israel firmly believed in it.

Israel’s “miraculous victory” against Arab armies in 1967 marked a turning point. Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Abba Eban then declared in a speech that “from the rostrum of the United Nations, I proclaimed the glorious triumph of the Israeli Defense Forces and the redemption of Jerusalem.”

According to him, this could only mean one thing: “Never has Israel been so honored and revered by the nations of the world.”

The sentiment expressed by Eban was echoed throughout Israel. Even those who doubted their government's ability to completely prevail over the Arabs joined the chorus: Israel is invincible.

Little rational discussion took place at the time about the real reasons for Israel's victory and whether that victory would have been possible without Washington's absolute support and the West's willingness to support Israel at all. any price.

Israel has never been a victor knowing how to restrain itself. As the size of the territories controlled by the small, triumphant state tripled, Israel began to strengthen its military occupation of all that remained of historic Palestine.

Source: Chronique De Palestine


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The Palestinian cause has become a global cause