Mon 04 Sep 2023 5:08 pm - Jerusalem Time

Haaretz: In an outrageous incident: Israeli soldiers force Palestinian women to strip naked!

The Hebrew newspaper, Haaretz, reported, on Monday, that an Israeli military force forced 5 Palestinian women to strip naked inside their home, after storming it in Hebron.

According to the newspaper, 50 soldiers stormed the house of the "A" family (we reserve the right to reveal the family's name), in the southern neighborhood of Hebron, on the tenth of last July, at 1:30 in the morning of that day, and the soldiers were accompanied by sniffer dogs. .

According to the newspaper, under the threat of using sniffer dogs to devour the bodies of the Palestinian women, they were forced in front of their children to strip naked in front of the Israeli soldiers.

In the aftermath of the psychologically traumatic incident for the family members, it was revealed that the soldiers stole gold jewelry and money from the house.

The women's family went to an Israeli police station in Kiryat Arba settlement and denied the theft, before they were contacted the next day and asked to receive the gold, which the soldiers allegedly thought was bullet ammunition, while the money was not returned.

The newspaper published full details of the painful night that the family lived through.

Manal Al-Jabari, a human rights activist in the Israeli left-wing B'Tselem organization, says that she has recently documented 20 such cases, and there is a clear increase in forcing Palestinian women to strip naked at gunpoint and using sniffer dogs.

Al-Ja'bari indicated that the Palestinian women who were subjected to this experience refuse to be interviewed and talk about it, but the members of this family who were exposed to this incident spoke in detail about what happened.

Al-Quds apologizes for publishing the details of that painful night, due to the tragic reality that women who have been traumatized so far have been exposed to.

The Israeli army claimed that the operation aimed to search for a weapon found inside the house, and it was necessary to conduct the search, which took place in a separate room without the use of any cameras.


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Haaretz: In an outrageous incident: Israeli soldiers force Palestinian women to strip naked!