Surprised, shocked, oppressed by the Islamic silence on what is happening in Jerusalem, the holy Arab Islamic city, just as Mecca and Medina are.
The daily storming of the mosque of Muslims: Al-Aqsa, which is for Muslims, and for Muslims only, its sanctity is desecrated, its sanctity is violated, its high value and noble status are violated, and yet there is no protest, nor a soul from the Arab and Islamic capitals, no action from them or some of them deserves stopping and attention, but with all Insolence is celebrating the anniversary of the establishment of the colony and the occupation of Palestine.
They celebrate in some capitals, and do not remember, do not understand, and forget that the colony was established on the land of Palestine, after the displacement of half of its people, expelling them and denying them the right to return to their country, and insisting on not reclaiming their properties in Lydda, Ramla, Jaffa, Haifa, Acre, Safed, Bisan and Beersheba, and it is still being suppressed. And oppressed the other half who remained a steadfast resident on the land of his homeland.
A bill is being drafted by a Likud Knesset member to divide Al-Aqsa Mosque, the mosque of Muslims, their first qiblah, the path of our master Muhammad and his ascension, and there is no protest to prevent division, the division of Al-Aqsa between Muslims and Jews.
I am surprised, amazed, and shocked by the silence of the Islamic capitals, whether those that have a relationship of normalization with the colony, or those that have nothing to do with it, I am surprised by the Islamic silence, I do not exclude anyone from being blamed and held responsible, and losing a sense of concern, protest, or expression It is about non-acceptance and lack of consent, and that is why the colony persists and does what it wants, whatever it wants, while it does not receive or hear anything that prevents it or what deters it from continuing its criminal, immoral, and inhumane actions in Palestine against its people and its sanctities.
Jerusalem needs the call, to respond to the call, to raise the spirit, to move, to express an opinion, and to practice the practical and tangible protest towards Jerusalem and for Jerusalem, towards Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it has the right to preserve its dignity and sanctity as a mosque for Muslims and Muslims only.
I keep saying, and I will continue to say, that the Jerusalem Endowment Council, which is devoted to serving Al-Aqsa, is required to move towards visiting the capitals, because their valued role in their homeland is not enough, but rather they need supportive levers, which requires the formation of mobilizing groups on their part, to visit the Arab and Islamic capitals in Asia and Africa, And meeting with governments, parties, parliaments, and civil society institutions, and mobilizing Muslim public opinion across borders, in order to show solidarity with Jerusalem and its far reaches, so will they do it?
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And his Islam to Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem