The Central Statistical Organization said that the producer price index decreased by 0.18% last March, to 108.25 in March 2023, compared to 108.45 in February 2023 (base year 2019 = 100).
The producer price index for locally consumed commodities from domestic production decreased by 0.20%, and the PPI for domestically consumed commodities reached 108.11 during March 2023 compared to 108.33 during February 2023 (base year 2019 = 100).
While the producer price index for domestically exported commodities remained stable during March, at 109.54, as in the previous month (base year 2019 = 100).
Among the main activities, the prices of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supplies decreased by 2.15%, the relative importance of which constitutes 8.23% of the product basket.
The prices of mining and quarrying industry products decreased by 0.55% during March 2023 compared to February 2023, the relative importance of which is 1.41% of the product basket.
The prices of commodities produced by the activities of agriculture, forestry and fishing decreased by 0.15%, the relative importance of which constitutes 29.94% of the product basket, as a result of the decrease in the prices of commodities within the activity of cultivation of non-permanent crops by 3.75%, while the prices of commodities within the activity of fishing recorded. an increase of 25.87%.
The prices of commodities within the activity of animal production increased by 1.91%, while the prices of commodities within the activity of growing perennial crops increased by 0.12%. The average price of a green lemon was 1.43 shekels/kg.
The prices of water supply, sanitation activities, and waste management and treatment increased by 0.65%, with a relative importance of 1.50% of the product basket.
The prices of commodities produced from the activities of the manufacturing industries recorded a slight increase of 0.07%, whose relative importance constitutes 58.92% of the product basket, due to the increase in the prices of commodities produced within the activities of: meat processing and preservation by 1.64%, the manufacture of grain mill products by 1.49%, and the printing activity. Recorded media reproduction increased by 1.06%, and the prices of manufacturing items of concrete, cement and plaster increased by 0.73%, despite the decrease in the prices of commodities produced within the activities: the manufacture of prepared animal feed by 1.26%, the clothing industry by 0.24%, and the manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats by 0.23%.
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"Statistics": the producer price index decreased by 0.18% in March