Agence France-Presse (AFP) recorded a profit of 1.2 million euros in 2022, a significant decrease on the basis of its previous annual performance, but it continued to record improvement thanks to commercial revenues that exceeded 200 million euros for the first time.
The agency said in a statement that in 2022, for the fourth year in a row, it achieved profits amounting to 1.2 million euros, a “sharp” decline compared to 2021 when it achieved record profits of 10.6 million euros, thanks to an agreement concluded with Google in particular regarding Neighboring rights, the value of which has not been disclosed.
However, in 2022, for the first time in the agency's history, commercial revenues crossed the 200 million euro mark, reaching 208.6 million euro.
This increase in commercial revenues - by about 5.3% - was due to "three strategic development axes", which are video and digital investigative reporting, in addition to the activity directed to companies and institutions.
State compensation for costs related to AFP missions related to the public interest amounted to 113.3 million euros, a decrease of 3.3% compared to 2021, which raised the total revenue to 321.9 million euros.
Operating expenses over the year increased by almost 4% at comparable exchange rates to €302.6 million, with “travel resumption after the pandemic”, “cost of covering the war in Ukraine” and “impact of global inflation”.
According to the agency, these elements affected operating profits, which decreased by 35% to 4.8 million euros compared to 2021 at similar exchange rates.
However, the debt reduction path continues according to plan.
The long-term debt, amounting to 50.2 million euros at the beginning of 2017, was reduced to 32.8 million in 2022. It is expected to be repaid in 2028.
However, it is feared that the year 2023, which is the last in the framework of the 2019/2023 Goals and Means Decade, will be more difficult, especially due to the rise in global inflation and the crisis experienced by important participants such as technology companies.
However, France-Presse believes that this "should not preclude the achievement of the objectives of the goals and means contract, or even exceed them in many cases."
Agence France-Presse is headquartered in Paris and employs 2,400 people in 151 countries. With more than 130 digital investigative journalists located around the world, AFP is a world leader in this sector.-AFP reported a profit of 1.2 million euros in 2022, down significantly on the basis of its performance. the previous year, but continued to improve thanks to commercial revenues exceeding 200 million euros for the first time.
The agency said in a statement that in 2022, for the fourth year in a row, it achieved profits amounting to 1.2 million euros, a “sharp” decline compared to 2021 when it achieved record profits of 10.6 million euros, thanks to an agreement concluded with Google in particular regarding Neighboring rights, the value of which has not been disclosed.
However, in 2022, for the first time in the agency's history, commercial revenues crossed the 200 million euro mark, reaching 208.6 million euro.
This increase in commercial revenues - by about 5.3% - was due to "three strategic development axes", which are video and digital investigative reporting, in addition to the activity directed to companies and institutions.
State compensation for costs related to AFP missions related to the public interest amounted to 113.3 million euros, a decrease of 3.3% compared to 2021, which raised the total revenue to 321.9 million euros.
Operating expenses over the year increased by almost 4% at comparable exchange rates to €302.6 million, with “travel resumption after the pandemic”, “cost of covering the war in Ukraine” and “impact of global inflation”.
These elements, according to the agency, affected operating profits, which decreased by 35% to 4.8 million euros compared to 2021 at similar exchange rates.
However, the debt reduction path continues according to plan.
The long-term debt, amounting to 50.2 million euros at the beginning of 2017, was reduced to 32.8 million in 2022. It is expected to be repaid in 2028.
However, it is feared that the year 2023, which is the last in the framework of the 2019/2023 Goals and Means Decade, will be more difficult, especially due to the rise in global inflation and the crisis experienced by important participants such as technology companies.
However, France-Presse believes that this "should not preclude the achievement of the objectives of the goals and means contract, or even exceed them in many cases."
Agence France-Presse is headquartered in Paris and employs 2,400 people in 151 countries. With more than 130 digital investigative journalists around the world, France Press is a world leader in this sector.
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AFP continued to record progress in 2022, despite declining profits