

Wed 12 Apr 2023 6:11 pm - Jerusalem Time

There must be a quick solution to a meeting between the government and the teachers

The educational issue is facing a dilemma that is more serious than it can be represented by the strike, the legal demands of the teaching staff, and the lack of response or inability of the government to respond to these demands. The teacher has every right to defend his rights, and there is no dispute about that, but the strike has very negative effects and threatens an entire generation of thousands of male and female students as a result of disrupting the educational process.

What is required is that the conflict between the teachers’ demands and the government’s positions not be a battlefield, because the government’s demands and positions must be consistent and cooperative and not conflicting, overflowing with challenges such as a comprehensive strike and disrupting the entire educational process, with respect and appreciation for the teachers’ demands and their strategic role in life and future generations.

We have heard from official spokespersons that things are approaching a breakthrough, and this is not the first time, but in many cases it was just a statement that does not reflect the reality. They say we have reached a solution, and the teachers deny this and continue the strike. The problem has been prolonged and they have not found a solution to it. What is required is for both sides to fully understand the situation. That is, when they demand an increase in salaries and the government does not have enough money to do so, the situation must be evaluated positively and the strike stopped, or at least reduced, that is, the strike takes place one day a week or one daily portion that is suspended by the strike.

And if the teaching staff is required to understand the situation, even at the expense of their demands in part, then the government must make an initial response and explain its potential and capabilities to respond to the teachers' demands, and the teachers must understand that.

The comprehensive strike certainly threatens the entire academic year, and this is a catastrophe whose effects will extend for several years, in which the Tawjihi students will be affected in the first place, and an entire academic year will be lost for them.

We stand with the teachers and their demands and we see that they are right, but we see the comprehensive and continuous strike as a black catastrophe that harms an entire generation as well as the teachers who caused it.

What is required is to find a solution through mutual understanding and appropriate and patriotic assessment, and not to limit the teachers’ demands to their conditions only, and to ignore the students and their rights, and they are the ones who have no fault whatsoever.

What is required is a field and realistic understanding session that includes a number of teacher leaders, education officials, and perhaps the prime minister, and that each side understands the reality of the other side, and therefore the national interest is the ruling, which is the point of understanding and the way out of this impasse by striking.

Time has passed, statements have increased, and nothing has really changed. The stage has come at this time for a meeting between the elite teachers, the Ministry of Education and the Prime Minister, and finding a logical solution that appreciates the circumstances, capabilities, capabilities, duties, and responsibilities of each party. Thus, they can find a solution if the government understands the right of demands, and teachers understand the government's financial capabilities.


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There must be a quick solution to a meeting between the government and the teachers