For the seventeenth year in a row, the prisoner, Murad Muhammad Reda Abu Al-Rub, receives the blessed month of Ramadan in the prisons of the occupation, whose courts have sentenced him to life imprisonment 4 times, which cast a shadow over the conditions of his family, especially the seventieth mother, Rasmiya, "Umm Al-Abd", whose feelings are mixed between sadness and occasion. And the occupation deprives her of the pleasure of her liver during Ramadan and on Mother’s Day .
And the mother says: "My pain has no limits. All mothers rejoice and celebrate, but my joys are still captive. What increases my pain is that Murad was the only one of my children who lives with us in our house, after his brothers lived in France years ago, where they live and work, and his sisters got married. We are tired of this life that is associated with the occupation and its prisons, and whenever we gather at the iftar table or the advent of Ramadan, we cry and regret, and we have nothing but patience and supplication to the Lord of the Worlds to release his prison and bring us together with him soon.” On the first day of Ramadan, an atmosphere of sadness prevailed in the house of Murad's family in the town of Jalboun, Jenin, and his father said: "Throughout Ramadan, we feel nothing but sadness, so how long will this harsh suffering continue since his arrest on 8/31/2006? We have become prisoners and have not known the taste of joy." On all occasions, he meant all of our lives, and his presence had a great influence on our lives, adding joy and happiness, but his absence was long,” indicating that he built a house for him in the hope of his liberation soon and to be ready to receive him and his wedding.
In the Martyrs’ Cemetery, Houriya al-Tubasi received Ramadan and Mother’s Day, like all occasions that turned into sadness and tears for her loved ones, whom the occupation deprived of them, her sons Ahmed and Islam, who were martyred during the Al-Aqsa Intifada, and Saeed and Muhammad, who are behind bars in the occupation prisons that separated the family, by targeting all the children on the over the past years.
Al-Tubasi says: "All occasions, especially in March, have a more painful impact, in light of the tragedies and woes that we have lived through since the martyrdom of Ahmed and Islam in the prime of their youth, and the arrest of Saeed, who is sentenced to 32 life sentences, and the continuation of Muhammad's imprisonment behind bars and he is still arrested, so my wish is that all my family will gather around me." In Ramadan... Saeed, we have not been reunited with him since the 21st of Ramadan, and none of my children were spared from being chased and captured, and I spent years deprived of all of them, and the occupation was not satisfied with that, as it demolished our house as a punishment, but we will remain proud and proud of the steadfastness of my heroes behind bars.
Near the tombs of Ahmed and Islam in the martyrs' cemetery in Jenin camp, Umm Abdullah sat, and despite her patience and high spirits, she is still in pain due to the severity of oppression and the types of suffering she endured because of the calamities that the occupation made in her life. On occasions, I cry and suffer, but we will not lose hope, and we hope that all prisoners , especially those with high sentences, will be released, and that they will be with us and between us on the next holiday.” The same bitter reality and painful scenes are repeated in the house of the prisoner Mutassim Raddad in the village of Sidon in Tulkarem. His mother, Amna, welcomed the blessed month of Ramadan and Mother’s Day with tears and feelings of fear and anxiety for her prisoner, whom the occupation authorities refuse to release despite the seriousness of his health condition, and she said, “It is the seventeenth Ramadan in a row.” Who receives the beloved of my heart, Mutassim, away from my arms. I lost the ability to live and sleep because I worried about his life because he suffered from several diseases that he contracted after his arrest.. On all occasions I cry and my tears did not dry for a moment, and when we sit at the Ramadan table, I suffocate and suffer because of his absence, because he suffers from a disease Intestinal cancer, an enlarged liver and spleen, and severe and continuous bleeding, and despite this, the occupation authorities refuse to provide him with appropriate treatment.”
Ahed's mother hugs Mutasem, who is serving a 20-year prison sentence, and says, "He was arrested several times, but they did not weaken his resolve, even during his pursuit, he did not suffer from diseases, but his heroism and his survival from assassination attempts angered them, so they took revenge on him when he fell ill ... years ago." And Mutasim is suffering and suffering, so where is justice and human rights?”
She added: "We knocked on all doors, and all institutions took action to save his life, but the occupation refuses to treat him or release him. He lives in horrific moments, and danger threatens his life every moment. All occasions and holidays have ended in our lives, even during Ramadan and Mother's Day. All mothers rejoice, but I I am crying and in pain, but my hope in God is great... that Mutassim will be victorious and return to me victorious, not in a shroud."
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Between Ramadan and Mother's Day.. The mothers of martyrs and prisoners are images of endless pain and pain