

Thu 13 Mar 2025 12:23 pm - Jerusalem Time

UN investigation: Israel committed genocide in Gaza by destroying the reproductive health sector

An investigation released by a special UN committee on Thursday confirmed that Israel committed acts of "genocide" in the Gaza Strip through the systematic destruction of sexual and reproductive health care facilities.

The UN Commission of Inquiry concluded that Israeli authorities "partially destroyed the reproductive capacity of Palestinians in Gaza as a group through the systematic destruction of the reproductive health sector, amounting to two categories of genocide."

The United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide defines this crime as any acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical or religious group.

The investigation found that Israel was involved in at least two of the five acts defined by the UN Convention as genocide.

He pointed out that Israel was "deliberately creating living conditions for the group (i.e., the Palestinians) calculated to bring about its physical destruction" and "imposing measures aimed at preventing births within the group."

"These violations not only cause severe immediate physical and psychological harm to women and girls, but also have long-term, irreparable consequences for the psychological and reproductive health and fertility prospects of Palestinians as a group," said the committee's chair, Navi Pillay, in a statement.

The UN Human Rights Council established the three-person Independent International Commission of Inquiry in May 2021 to investigate alleged violations of international law in Israel and the Palestinian territories.

The investigation revealed that Israel carried out systematic attacks targeting Gaza's health infrastructure, including hospitals and clinics providing reproductive health services.

He explained that this led to the near-total destruction of the health sector's ability to provide care to pregnant women and newborns.

He stressed that "the severe restrictions on essential medical supplies and medicines have exacerbated the deterioration of the reproductive health of women and girls in Gaza, directly contributing to the high rates of maternal and newborn mortality."

The UN committee documented specific cases of women suffering serious complications due to the disruption of reproductive health services.

The investigation stated that "doctors in Gaza were forced to perform emergency caesarean sections without adequate anesthesia or medical equipment, putting the lives of many women at risk."

He pointed out that these conditions constitute a direct targeting of the reproductive health of Palestinians, in flagrant violation of international law agreements.

The investigation confirmed that Israel's restrictions on humanitarian aid, including the denial of essential medical supplies and medications for pregnant women, were part of broader policies aimed at undermining the living conditions of the Palestinian population in Gaza.

He added, "The systematic destruction of reproductive health services is not just a byproduct of war, but a calculated strategy with far-reaching effects on birth rates and survival."

The committee reported that these Israeli policies are consistent with a pattern of measures that impede the continuation of life in Gaza, where severe shortages of medicines essential for treating complications of childbirth and breastfeeding have been documented.

The investigation also noted "the deteriorating health conditions of women amid widespread malnutrition, which further exacerbates the devastating impact on the ability of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to enjoy their basic reproductive and health rights."

Using sexual violence as a strategy of war

The UN commission confirmed that Israeli forces have used sexual and other forms of gender-based violence as part of their military strategy since October 7, 2023.

The investigation noted a sharp increase in cases of sexual violence committed by Israeli forces and settlers, both online and directly within the occupied Palestinian territories.

The report documented multiple testimonies of Palestinian women in Gaza being subjected to sexual violence and direct threats of sexual harm, whether during arrests, searches at military checkpoints, or forced evictions.

The commission emphasized that these attacks were not isolated incidents, but rather followed a pattern that reflected a systematic use of sexual violence as a means of intimidation and collective punishment.

Sexual humiliation and filming of abuse against men and children

The investigation documented the filming and recording of sexual violence against men and boys during arrests. The committee concluded that these violations were intended to humiliate Palestinian detainees and send a message of intimidation to their communities.

The investigation revealed that some Palestinian detainees were forced to strip completely naked in a manner intended to humiliate and degrade them.

The investigation noted an increase in cases of sexual violence against Palestinian detainees in Israeli detention centers. The committee documented cases in which prisoners were subjected to sexual harassment, threats of rape, and psychological torture using gender-based violence.

The investigation revealed that these practices are linked to the occupation's policies of repression and humiliation, in an attempt to weaken the morale of the victims and Palestinian society in general.

The investigation confirmed that Israeli forces used sexual violence and other forms of sexual humiliation during searches at military checkpoints and within forced evacuation areas.

The committee explained that these practices represent a clear violation of international law and amount to war crimes.

The committee recommended the need to open independent international investigations and hold those responsible for these crimes accountable before international courts.


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UN investigation: Israel committed genocide in Gaza by destroying the reproductive health sector