Written by: Younis Al-Amouri
All the cities of the poor lived in it, and lived through its details, and if their names were associated with it and its name was associated with them, they grew up through it and rose when they were expressing its details and the details of its love. And the biggest of them is that I turn to you directly, knowing that your soul is still fluttering with its sky. I write these words after I crossed soon to your doorstep in the Arab Studies Association / Orient House, and the Orient House / Arab Studies Association, an institution that was controversially linked to the modern history of Jerusalem, this institution that formed a basic building block of the components of Jerusalemite society, and had a lot It is one of the influential and affected stations of Jerusalem, and it used to transcend through it, and it is the one that you built with your comrades on your path, the founders, and it formed the incubator for researchers and workers for the sake of Arab Jerusalem, the capital of the Palestinian dream. I underestimate the decision of the occupation authorities to order the military closure of the institution, but the closure decision was not only responsible for the absence of that institution, and here I find myself asking a lot of questions and inquiries about the reality of the plan to get rid of the master and president of the Association of Arab Studies and the truth of this approach and what the conditions of an institution of such size have become. The Arab Studies Association has many imprints on Palestinian society in general and Jerusalemites in particular, which raises question marks and exclamations about the reality of blurring and “tafas” c. With Arab studies and its fact that it has become on the margins of Jerusalemite society to the point that it has vanished, and is the responsibility here vested in the occupation closure decision only..?? Or are there other partners to do marginalization and absenteeism..??
The orientation here has to do with solving the mystery of your absence and concealment, and I may say killing you. I still believe that your death, sir, was not natural and did not come within the normal framework, and I may say that there is no conviction in the natural causes of death with my absolute belief in fate and destiny, and in this context and after all this absence and by reviewing the repercussions of your absence and killing on the Jerusalem scene, I come out with one result: no It does not mean that killing you was an act of occupation par excellence, as what happened to Jerusalem and what is happening in the current circumstance would not have happened except after a series of procedures and preparations were taken to pave the way for the events in Jerusalem to receive, therefore, the implementation of the plans that we are witnessing these days and these procedures, and the preparation of the scene of events began first with the necessity of your absence From the arena and suppressing your voice, activity, and movement, and thus closing the institution through which you were moving and in the name of which is the House of Jerusalemites, whose tracks were built by the arms of men, men, guardians of the dreams of Jerusalem, and its closure would not have been except through your absence and your forced absence from the scene of events, and if we follow the rest of the chapters of the story, we notice that all Institutions linked in one way or another to the Orient House Foundation were also closed, pursued, and pursued by their heads and employees, so that the work was done in a programmed manner and according to well-studied plans to empty Jerusalem of its contents. Its patriotism is through the act of forced displacement of institutions at times, and the closure of what remains of them at other times, and through some collusion, intended or unintended, there is no difference, and the result is the same, that Jerusalem has been emptied of its institutions, and the way has become paved for the start of the policies of demolishing homes, withdrawing identities, and intensifying settlement activity The confiscation of lands, the construction of the apartheid wall, the isolation of Jerusalem from its surroundings and its Arab continuity, the implementation of hit-and-run towards Al-Aqsa, the direct threat to it directly, and the actual and public declaration of the occupation’s intention to demolish it and build their alleged structure, as if these scenarios had been linked to their implementation, openness and work on them with your absence.
The most important thing, in my opinion, is what the national movement witnessed and is still witnessing in Jerusalem after you, sir, where the laxity to the point of fading of the framed and programmed national action, which is necessary to serve the Palestinian orientations in general, and everyone around Jerusalem has voluntarily and the situation has become completely different. Its role becomes marginal after your killing, and everything becomes permissible in this context, and the people of Jerusalem turned in all possible directions. Its shroud and the scene of events are still preparing to implement what is greater and greater to eventually transfer Jerusalem to a Biblical Davidic city according to their vision, and the declaration of that has become public. Indeed, plans and pictures of the future vision of what is called their city have become within reach, and blackness covers the corners of our Arab homes after it has become in every alley of alleys. Jerusalem is a house that raises the flag of Judah and dominates the scene, and the entrances to Jerusalem have become threatened. The Gate of the Colonnade, which you crossed every Thursday on your usual tour of the old town of Sieg He met soon to implement the most comprehensive and largest plan in the history of the act of Judaization and Israelization.... And those tours that I fully mention were the most beautiful in the Jerusalem scene, where meeting, joking, talking, listening to complaints, trying to find solutions, guidance, and listening to advice, and all of this was done directly and through direct sensory communication as well... You were noticeably affected, and a sense of absolute responsibility dominated you, and all issues became as if they were your personal and private issues, and they are.
Once again, sir, we are trying to answer the biggest question: Was your absence normal, or was it premeditated murder? In fact, I think the answer is crystal clear after reviewing the indications of the events in Jerusalem in its current circumstances.
Were you killed because you crossed their red lines... after your rebellion against the Oslo laws and their imposed considerations in Jerusalem? Having gone to address the world from Tehran? And after you volunteered the dispute with the princes of Kuwait to start a reconciliation in favor of Jerusalem? Or was it because you decided to go to Baghdad to meet the rebel leader at the time? Or did it annoy them that I fought them so much for the sake of Jerusalem and put the rock of rejection in front of them for any possible settlement that ignores the equation of Jerusalem being the actual capital of the future state... Or because you once said that if you look towards the east, we will also look towards the west of Jerusalem... Or is it because of imposition The de-facto policy for Arabs and Palestinians in Jerusalem, which has borne fruit and cast a positive shadow over the laws of the conflict equation....
Sir Faisal... A few days ago, he brought us the new news that the leader of those who robbed the ancient, stole and plundered its history in an attempt to adapt it according to their desires, and he said in the presence of the lights emanating from the mirage of their delusions that for him there is no difference between Ma'aleh Adumim and Tel Aviv and he does not pay attention to solutions The proposal is within the framework of the so-called international solution that is on the table, and which stipulates two states for two peoples. All this bravado came as a natural and actual result of the absence of leaders, and you are one of them...
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Arab Studies Association / Orient House and the absence of the Prince of Jerusalem