With Trump as President of the United States, the world (including America) should be more concerned. We are facing a special kind of president, to whom the Russian proverb applies, which describes the ignorant driving a car as “like a monkey carrying a bomb, not knowing where or when he will throw it.” We, the world, especially the Arabs and especially the Palestinians, are facing a state of uncertainty, resulting from the fact that the first “driver” of this world (the American President) has “exceptional” and contradictory qualities, and wants to create a world in his image.
This president is a megalomaniac, he sees himself as an "emperor" or more, of a country that he wants to be the greatest in the world and forever, but at the same time he wants to be greater than it. He is greater than the country and the institution, he imagines America as a country unlike any other country, and he imagines himself as a president unlike any other president, and he builds on that belief that what is true for any country in the world is not true for America and what is not permissible for any person in the world is permissible for him.
While this feeling of "exceptionality" requires the utmost level of behavioral "aristocracy", cultural elitism, intellectual tact, and serious responsibility, you find him, on the contrary, corrupt par excellence, who has no problem using political money and no embarrassment in employing relatives. He is a populist who is a professional at "bullying", adopts it as a way of life, and considers it an effective means to achieve his goals. Regardless of how intelligent he is, and I believe he is, he is "careful" not to appear wise but rather reckless and "invests" that in "combing" the space between him and his "prey", and begins to bully his "victim", terrorizing her and terrorizing others with her, and bringing her down - most likely - without the need to engage in a real battle.
In his bullying of others, including his predecessors, former US presidents, we find no "chivalry" in him, and his bullying increases the weaker the other party is. There is no place for human feelings in his dictionary, and he insults his "friends" before his opponents, and those close to him before those far from him, and expects everyone to obey his will, and believes that he is too great to be denied a request, and threatens those who do so with "woe, damnation, and great matters."
He is a merchant (contractor) in the literal sense of the word as well as in the figurative sense (with all due respect to respectable merchants). His only goal is profit. He considers deception to be cleverness and cheating to be efficiency. He competes with his allies as well as others, and deceives those close to him before those far away. If you show him that you are ignorant of the matter, he will continue to exploit you. As a merchant, he is pragmatic par excellence. He wants to appear strong inside and outside America, but if he feels that he is facing a stubborn opponent, he retreats without hesitation. However, he does not forget or despair, and he tries again if he finds a more appropriate circumstance. This is what he did in his confrontation with the American deep state during his first presidential term.
On these qualities, devoid of values and intertwined to the point of contradiction, Trump built his strategy and goals. His main slogan is "Make America Great Again," but he is keen to take the lead. He is interested in a great America, but he is more interested in his own greatness. He sees it as a great country because he is its president, more than he sees his greatness as coming from being the president of that "great" country.
Here comes Trump's problem with the America we knew, his relationship with the deep state (the establishment), his clash with it, and his insistence on changing it and changing the president's position within it. The deep state in the United States is made up in its entirety of the military complex represented by the army and intelligence, the traditional oligarchy with financial capital linked to the American Federal Reserve, and the state bureaucracy headed by the judiciary.
The deep state, which is made up of these three parties, is dominated by religious ideology, which is mainly represented by Christian Zionism. If we add to this religious ideological dimension the financial weight that Zionist capital constitutes in the traditional American oligarchy, we realize the “rightness” of what we said in a previous article, that the American deep state is nothing but Zionism itself, a little more or a little less.
Trump's problem with this traditional structure of the deep state in America is not at all its Christian Zionist ideology that he himself believes in, but with the status of the "elected" president versus unelected bureaucrats, in addition to the fact that he sees himself as a representative of a new oligarchy that has surpassed financial capital, linked primarily to real production, whether in the field of technology or actual and direct production. This is what made us see him surrounded by Elon Musk and "his ilk" at the inauguration ceremony, and not by the owners of the big banks as is the custom.
Trump believes that the traditional American oligarchy, based on financial capital (of which the Zionists and their allies constitute the largest part), is what has distanced the American economy from actual production and left the field for the Chinese economy to excel in most sectors of production. In this matter, we find him in a state of "friction" with the "Zionist" capital inside America, while he is ideologically completely in harmony with it. In order not to "mistake" his position on this form of traditional oligarchy, and so that it is not interpreted as a position against Zionism itself, he went further in his support for Israel, and appointed its most ardent supporters in the White House and in senior positions in the American administration. He thus believes that his potential "confrontation" with "some" Zionism in America as part of the deep state does not mean, and should not mean, a negative position towards Zionism itself, as evidenced by his more biased position towards Zionism in Israel. This may explain his "wavering" position towards Netanyahu, who represents not only Israeli Zionism but also, to a large extent, Zionism in America.
Trump realizes that this “confrontation” that he began with the American “deep state” in his first term, in an effort to create a “deep state” in harmony with the president (with him), in which he has more real powers and is not just a front for those forces, is not easy at all, but he believes that with this new type of relationship between the deep state and the president, the United States will be more able to confront its “adversaries” represented primarily by China.
Trump lost that confrontation in his first term, and a fierce campaign was launched against him, and dozens of cases were "arranged" for him before the American judiciary (which he also targeted), and it reached the point of an assassination attempt against him, and it may be that in his mind the issue of his assassination, whether morally or physically, is still ongoing. Perhaps this explains, or at least it may help explain, his decision to sign the disclosure of documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (and others), in which the "deep state" is accused, as if this disclosure expresses his fear of meeting the same fate as Kennedy, and may also constitute a kind of protection for him.
Trump and Israel
Since the first hours of his presidency, Trump has shown his complete support for Israel, and even for the most right-wing and extremist parties in it. In addition to appointing extremist Zionists to senior positions in his administration, he issued an order to lift the ban on some settlers that his predecessor had imposed regarding their entry into the United States. He threatened all Americans who are anti-Semitic and “sympathetic” to Hamas in response to the positive position of American youth and students on Palestine. He stopped American “aid” for others, excluding Israel and Egypt from this, each for their own considerations, of course.
Trump and Israel are very similar. I think for the first time in history we are faced with a person who is not like another person but like a "state", and a state who is not like another state but like a person. They are unique in their extreme racism, sense of superiority, greed, contempt for others, chronic bullying and indifference to the world, and based on these qualities they are willing to go "with a clear conscience" to commit anything against anyone.
This similarity between Trump and Israel may be the secret behind the special "flavor" of the relationship between them, but the ideological (religious) factor remains the basis behind that relationship and the primary determinant of Trump's position on Israel, followed by the strategic factor. If we add to that what we talked about regarding his desire to rely on Israeli "Zionism" in his internal confrontation with the deep state, we understand his steps towards Israel since his first presidency when he moved the embassy to Jerusalem, recognized the annexation of the Syrian Golan, and his readiness now to identify with Netanyahu and the most extremist Zionists in "expanding" the area of Israel, canceling the Palestinian cause, "holding" international courts accountable, and justifying Israel's crimes.
Trump and others
Trump has reclassified others for himself and for America. He puts Israel first for the considerations we mentioned, then the Anglo-Saxons and then the others.
For these others, the logic of the company prevails over the logic of the state, so the concept of alliance and friendship disappears and the role of the partner emerges. In the company there are no friends or allies, but rather partners and employees, and this is how countries are for Trump, either a partner who is useful to him financially or an employee who carries out his “instructions.”
In this context, Trump has revisited his view on matters that for years seemed to be fundamentals of American policy, such as NATO, which was established on the basis of America protecting its allies because they are such. But Trump now wants a profitable alliance in which allies become profitable or at least inexpensive partners, and the party that does not want to “contribute” financially in the way Trump sees it does not need to remain in the alliance.
Trump did not stop at classifying others according to their "material" benefit to the United States, but he began to "sell" that importance to those interested in "buying it." The best example of this is his request for five hundred billion dollars from Saudi Arabia in exchange for making it the first country he visits. We can consider this the beginning of an "auction" in which those interested pay a price to be second and third... in his visits to them, and this auction may develop to make it in the opposite direction as well. After Netanyahu won first place in his "free" visit to the United States for the reasons we mentioned, he may open the door to paid visits for those who want to.
The world....unknown fate
With the arrival of Trump, with these qualities that he carries as President of the United States, and with these qualities that the country itself carries, we are now in a world order devoid of conscience, in which the last remaining human values have vanished. We are faced with the greatest official in the world who has no sense of responsibility. All he knows is that he is the strongest, and as long as he is so, he has the right to anything. The problem is that he is indeed the strongest, but he is the most reckless. What fate can be imagined for the world under this leadership?!
This form of world order has every justification for its demise. In addition to being devoid of values and its leadership lacking in reason, it is a candidate for a deep state of instability, as its leader wages a “war” on everyone. But at the same time, it is resistant to change due to the tyranny of its leadership and the weakness of the tools likely to change it.
We are facing a deep state of intractability that requires the “human” powers in the world to work to overcome it as quickly as possible, as humanity is no longer only facing the question of the fate of the global system, but the fate of the world itself, which is now in the hands of a “president.”
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The world is in the hands of the "president"