The official spokesman for the Palestinian security forces, Brigadier General Anwar Rajab, said that the security services were able to thwart a disaster in the Jenin camp, by controlling a booby-trapped vehicle prepared by outlaws.
Brigadier General Rajab confirmed in a press statement that the vehicle was supposed to be detonated among citizens and security personnel, as part of a cowardly criminal act that reflects an ISIS approach alien to our Palestinian values and morals and contradicts the course of our national struggle.
He pointed out that this achievement comes within the context of the security operation "Protect the Homeland", which aims to impose security and the rule of law.
Brigadier General Rajab added that this is not the first attempt by these outlaws to adopt this ISIS approach, as they had previously detonated a car bomb several days ago in the center of Jenin, which resulted in the injury of a number of citizens and members of the security services.
Rajab said that the security services began, at dawn on Saturday, to implement new steps, as part of their ongoing efforts to maintain security and civil peace, establish the rule of law, and eliminate sedition and chaos in the Jenin camp.
Brigadier General Rajab stressed in a press statement that the goal of these efforts is to reclaim Jenin camp from the control of outlaws who have made life miserable for citizens and deprived them of their right to receive public services freely and safely.
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Palestinian Security services announce the start of a campaign to enforce the law in Jenin camp