The Commission of Prisoners' Affairs and Liberated Prisoners said on Monday that "11,500 male and female prisoners are suffering from the severe cold in the occupation prisons," noting that the Israeli occupation has been preventing the entry of heating devices and warm winter clothes since October 7 of last year.
The Commission added in a statement: “The prisoners do not have winter blankets and are deprived of bringing in new, warm clothes to protect them from the cold of winter, which has entered the harshest period of detention that the prisoners have experienced in many years, as the bitter cold eats away at their bodies, especially the sick and elderly among them. What made the situation worse is that the occupation prison administration removed all the windows of the prisoners’ rooms, which greatly increased the suffering of the prisoners and their feeling of cold, which increased the chances of many of them contracting seasonal diseases and almost permanent pain in the bones, joints and stomach as a result of the cold in the early morning and at night.”
She explained that most of the prisoners are worried about the onset of winter, especially in the occupation prisons located in the desert areas, which are coldest during the night and early morning. Most of them complained to the Authority’s lawyer about the lack of response from the prison administration to bring in clothes and blankets, calling on all human rights organizations to pressure the prison administration to bring in woolen clothes, blankets and winter mattresses, given that they only have one change of summer clothes after the occupation prevented the prisoners from their most basic rights to wear clean clothes after October 7, and prevented the entry of bathing and cleaning materials for the prisoners who were ravaged by the “scabies” disease.
The authority said: "The jailers confiscate heating equipment, if any, and any blankets that help keep the winter frost away from their emaciated bodies due to the poor quality and quantity of food, as meals are served cold and raw."
She added: "The question remains: what will the Palestinian prisoner do who owns one summer outfit that he spent the entire summer wearing, coinciding with the onset of winter, without clothes, blankets, or windows to prevent the entry of winter rains and cold weather, which allows any prisoner who has not been ravaged by scabies to turn into a sick prisoner due to the cold weather and harsh winter?"
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11,500 Palestinian prisoners suffer from "bitter" cold in Israeli prisons