A poll conducted by the Arab World for Research and Development in Gaza shows:
1) Support for Fatah 47%, Hamas 6%, National Initiative 4%, PFLP 2%.
2) Trust in providing humanitarian assistance right now shows UN 79%, Palestinian Authority Ministries 5%, Palestinian NGO’s 3%, Community Leaders 2%, Hamas-led institutions 1%.
3) Trust in leading governance of Gaza shows Palestinian Authority 40%, Unity Govt 36%, Hamas 6%, Technocrats 6%, Community Leaders 3%.
4) Most immediate concerns are Settling down/not having to move at 49%, Securing food and water 21%, Securing decent housing until reconstruction 16%, Respecting human rights of Gazans by internal actors 5%.
5) Views for a Final Status Solution are Two State 62%, One State/Equal Rights 19%, Federation with Jordan/Egypt 3%.6) is Palestine heading in the right direction? Wrong direction 77%, right direction 16%.
Link to full report in English: https://awrad.org/.../AWRAD%20-%20Gaza%20Public%20Opinion...Link to full report in Arabic: https://awrad.org/.../%D8%A3%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AF%20...
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BREAKING: Gaza Poll shows support for Hamas at 6%, Fatah at 47%.