Wed 12 Jun 2024 10:16 pm - Jerusalem Time

Israeli Broadcasting Corporation: Netanyahu is conducting an assessment of the security situation

The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will conduct an assessment of the security situation later on Wednesday evening, to discuss developments on the northern front with Lebanon, and the Hamas movement’s response to the proposed prisoner exchange deal.

The official authority quoted Netanyahu's office as saying, "The Prime Minister will this evening conduct an assessment of the security situation in light of developments in the north," and what he claimed was "Hamas' negative response to the deal to release the kidnapped (prisoners)."

According to the organization's political correspondent, Gilly Cohen, Netanyahu, during the assessment of the security situation, will discuss with the leaders of the military and security services the escalation on the northern front in the wake of the launching of rocket salvoes from Lebanon, which is the "largest" on a daily basis since the start of the war.

Earlier on Wednesday evening, Israeli Army Radio said that Hezbollah had launched 215 missiles and drones towards the north of the country since this morning, in response to the assassination of its prominent leader, Talib Sami Abdullah, in an air strike on the town of Joya, south of Lebanon, on Tuesday evening.

Before today, March 12 witnessed the largest number of missiles launched from Lebanon towards Israel in one day, which amounted to 100 missiles at that time, in response to targeting Lebanese areas, most notably the city of Baalbek (east).

Today, Hezbollah missiles caused the outbreak of many fires in northern Israel, some of which posed a “threat to strategic facilities,” according to the private Hebrew newspaper Haaretz.

The broadcaster added that Netanyahu will also discuss, during the assessment of the security situation, what it claimed was the Hamas movement's "negative response" to the Israeli proposal for a prisoner exchange deal, which was recently revealed by US President Joe Biden.

On Tuesday evening, the broadcasting organization quoted an unnamed Israeli official as saying that Hamas “rejected” the broad outlines of the current proposal regarding reaching a truce in the Gaza Strip and a prisoner exchange deal.

But US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said in press statements on Wednesday that the amendments made by the Hamas movement to the proposed agreement with Israel regarding a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip are “minor and expected,” without mentioning what these amendments are.

When the movement delivered its response to Qatar on Tuesday, a delegation from Hamas and Islamic Jihad expressed its “readiness to deal positively to reach an agreement that ends this war against our people, based on a sense of national responsibility.”

According to a statement by the two movements, “The response gives priority to the interest of our Palestinian people, and the necessity of completely stopping the ongoing aggression against Gaza, and withdrawing from the entire Gaza Strip.”

The proposal announced by Biden includes three phases of a ceasefire, and ultimately stipulates a permanent cessation of hostilities and the release of Israeli detainees in Gaza in exchange for Palestinian prisoners.


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Israeli Broadcasting Corporation: Netanyahu is conducting an assessment of the security situation