الإثنين 19 يونيو 2023 11:01 صباحًا - بتوقيت القدس

Qatar and the UAE announce diplomatic re-representation between them

Qatar and the UAE announced today (Monday) the resumption of diplomatic representation between them, through the resumption of the work of the Embassy of the State of Qatar in Abu Dhabi and its consulate in Dubai, and the UAE embassy in Doha, according to the official media.

The official Qatar News Agency (QNA) said, "Based on the Al-Ula agreement, and the keenness of the two countries to strengthen bilateral relations, the State of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates announced the re-establishment of diplomatic representation between them."

(QNA) added that this will be the resumption of work by the Embassy of the State of Qatar in Abu Dhabi and its consulate in Dubai, and the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Doha today (Monday), corresponding to June 19, 2023.

She indicated that the two sides affirmed that this step comes as an embodiment of the will of the leaderships of the two countries and as a reinforcement of the march of joint Arab action in order to achieve the aspirations of the two peoples.

On this occasion, the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani, today received a phone call from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

During the call, the Qatari Prime Minister welcomed the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries, expressing his country's aspiration to strengthen partnership with the UAE, which reflects the depth of brotherly relations between the two peoples.

Sheikh Mohammed and Sheikh Abdullah exchanged congratulations on the resumption of the work of Qatar's embassy in Abu Dhabi, its consulate in Dubai and the UAE embassy in Doha, and they reviewed the fraternal relations between the two countries and ways to enhance cooperation in various fields in order to achieve the interests of the two peoples. They also exchanged views on regional and international developments, and a number of issues of concern. Common interest, according to the same source.

The UAE, along with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt, announced in June 2017 the severance of diplomatic relations with Qatar and the closure of its land, sea and air ports to Doha, accusing it of supporting and financing terrorism and interfering in its internal affairs, which Doha strongly denied.

After the reconciliation that took place under the "Al-Ula" agreement at the 41st Gulf Summit in January 2021, Qatar held bilateral discussions with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the UAE to resolve outstanding issues, and the three countries restored trade relations and transportation with Qatar to their previous state.

During the year 2021, Doha received ambassadors from Egypt and Saudi Arabia and sent its ambassadors to Cairo and Riyadh, while the resumption of diplomatic representation with the UAE was delayed until today's announcement.


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Qatar and the UAE announce diplomatic re-representation between them

أسعار العملات

الأربعاء 12 يونيو 2024 10:08 صباحًا

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