

Mon 30 Oct 2023 10:14 am - Jerusalem Time

Under the arch of the guillotine; The necessary initiative of the Liberation Organization

What happened on October 7, 2023, and what is happening through this horrific massacre; It is outside the box of the prevailing and usual style, and therefore dealing with it and reflecting on it requires a new language, and it should be thought of using tools outside the box.
There are vocabulary that rolls among this rubble; Such as the missing, those buried under the rubble, the continuous raids, the families that were completely removed from records, the Western alignment behind the state of genocide and ethnic cleansing, the hostages, systematic war crimes, double standards, and the suppression of demonstrations in the cities of Europe, in solidarity with the Palestinians and the victims of Gaza, while being guarded. Pro-Israel demonstrations, under the title “The Right to Expression”!
There are questions that arise in this poisoned mess.. For example: Why does the occupation have the right to defend itself, but the Palestinians do not have the right to do so? Is Palestinian, Arab and Islamic blood, in general, worthless? Did the conflict begin on the day of the crossing, October 7, so that the world would come to the aid of the Israelis? Or did the world itself remain silent in the face of the atrocities of the occupation, its fires, its settlements, its incursions and its violations, for bitter decades, until the victim exploded in the face of her killer? Why didn't the world do anything for us and put Israel above the law? Is this a healthy, civilized, and civilized world that seeks peace, justice, and the preservation of rights, or is it a partner in our annihilation? Why do some Arab officials volunteer and repeat Israel's positions verbatim? Rather, they describe us as barbarians and heinous people? Or are they worse, more severe in words, more cursing a principle, and more hateful to a soul?! In fact, some of them, at the height of the massacre, insisted on economic and security integration with the occupying state! I ask: Are these Arabs and Muslims? I invite them to stare in their mirrors.
The occupying state has nothing but revenge and blatant killing - 700 victims per day - and perhaps it thought that the fires of its settlers, the raids on the Holy Mosque, and its continuous crimes would push the Palestinians to submission... But it realized that the people would not accept the yoke of slavery, Israelization, and orgy, and that a handful of men could To wallow its face in the mud and prove that Israel is an entity fit for defeat. Yes, this entity, which breathes from an external lung, is completely fit to be destroyed, and this is what the shakers and normalizers must realize! Because Israel needs someone to protect it...how will it protect you, you fearful people?
These unprecedented massacres revealed the reality of the world, which is a jungle.
There is no law and they do not grieve! This overwhelming torrent of blood and devastation will put the region on the brink of a regional war, and will generate deep hatred... unless the Palestinian people obtain their rights.
No one wins in war except death, devastation and tragedies. We hate war, and we do not want to be martyrs, displaced, and left in pieces under the rubble...but the occupation has turned our lives into death and ruin, and funeral homes have been open for a century! Under the eyes of the world!
The occupation has been trying, for decades, and seeking, to turn the Palestinian into a “positive victim,” from his point of view. Meaning that he kills, slaughters, skins, confiscates, arrests, and burns...then he wants the Palestinian to remain silent and bow his head! But if he rises up, resists, fights, and responds... the occupation will make him extremely uncomfortable, and will exaggerate in killing and destruction... until he retreats and does not repeat his attempts... which makes some people cry out for help, lash out, and demand “calm down” and “withdrawal of pretexts”, so that the occupation does not continue its frenetic, bloody madness. 

Waiting for a political solution - which will not come - and thus their logic demands that we surrender, and even wants us to dig our graves with our own hands and sew our shrouds with our fingers! Perhaps I will stand with those calling for calm if the occupation listens, takes care, or stops its desecration of holy sites, burning towns and trees, and confiscating land, but it continues its criminality and arrogance, and I ask, gentlemen, what is the solution? Do we watch the occupation commit its atrocities and crimes, because we are “weak,” “we have no help,” and “we cannot fight with it”? Then he will resolve the conflict, complete his plans, and implement his projects, and he will devour the country and control Al-Aqsa! is not it! In a time of Arab and Islamic silence and Western hypocrisy!
I know that we are between two blades, but fighting and confronting the occupation is a necessary matter, because it is feasible, and it exaggerates the occupation on many levels, curbs its settlers, limits settlements, preserves the sanctities, restores the Palestinian cause to the forefront, mobilizes the international street, stirs up stagnant water, and costs the adversary. Huge losses. Every Palestinian must practice “resistance” appropriate to his circumstances and situation, from comprehensive peaceful resistance to what is guaranteed by international laws.
We will stand with any political proposal that empowers us with our rights, but we will not be complacent or respond to any formula that perpetuates and legitimizes the occupation, deepens its control, and keeps us under its yoke. We will not provide any “free” consent, under the pretext of pressure, power imbalance, or feeling small. Our issue is the issue of generations, even if the conflict is being initiated on the horizon of the guillotine!
Their speaker says: After we get rid of those in Gaza, you will have a state, O Palestinians! And we will call for a two-state solution. I remind everyone that during the 2002 invasion of the West Bank, America announced that it would establish a state for us, but it justified that the Palestinian leadership at the time - the symbol Yasser Arafat - was an obstacle that must be removed so that the state could emerge! Abu Ammar died as a martyr. Did George Bush Jr. give us anything? They repeat the same lie, and seek to deepen the cracks in our one body. Let us be careful! Because doubting each other will weaken us. Rather, we must all stand behind a comprehensive political initiative, different, serious, and subject to time and conditions, adopted by the M.T. F. the only legitimate representative, and we must prepare to restore our true unity, under the umbrella of national legitimacy. Otherwise, after the war and whatever the outcome, we will be facing each other, the disagreement and division will expand, and our land will be furnished with cracked glass that will make our feet bloody, without exception.
Those who support the killer are murderers like him, and they are the ones who incite conflict, deepen hatred, and destroy human principles and human values. They are responsible before the human conscience and before history... but, unfortunately, they believe that they are racially superior to other people, and they do not give weight to any law or Moral agreement or balance. What is strange is that they talk about values and claim the law. It is a forest, gentlemen. It is the forest of the savage white, who inherited the characteristics of the “Hundred Years” wars, the “Rose,” the “Inquisition,” the “Hiroshima bombing,” “two world wars,” and “the phenomena of fascism and Nazism.” “The extermination of one hundred million Native Americans,” “McCarthyism,” “The Crusades,” and “The colonialism that plundered the wealth of Africa and Asia..”

Crime is a mechanism that feeds itself and justifies itself... meaning that the more crime increases, the more its appetite opens up to kill, crush, erase, and destroy, and it finds pretexts on its own to justify what it does, without hesitation! The advocacy is often ready to defend this killing, without calculation or scrutiny, and it also finds those with precedents and interests to support it...so much so that they bend the neck of the sacred and positive texts, and say what they did not say! Or they invent weak justifications that they escalate to become decisive reasons.

This white racist who is biased towards Israel is a distillation of all this fascist black history, and it is an extension of that bloodiness wrapped in silk and so-called elegance.. Israel is only one of the manifestations of this barbaric, uncontrolled history. That is why it will seem “natural” for Israel to behave with such bloody sadism and arrogance. It is clear that Israel, with all this genocide, wants to maintain the image of the victim, which is why it attaches all the terms “terrorism and ISIS” to its opponents, and this is what explains its demonization of the Palestinians, and its portrayal of them as backward, barbaric, and murderous barbarians, and this is what provides them with additional reasons to kill them, too! But this forbidden blood will accumulate, and it will become a deep, turbulent lake, pulling into its depths all those who put their fingers on the trigger of extermination, all those who burned children and orphaned them, all those who supported this pagan slaughterer, all the blue-blooded people who will drown in their abhorrent racism, and all the hypocrites who will fall into Its lowest point. We tell them that this people who never raised the white flag are the same people who broke the day and destroyed the steel towers! He returned with the songs to the homes... so demolish them, because we will restore them more perfect and more beautiful. And kill... Pregnant women in Gaza alone will give birth to ten thousand babies every month. So pay attention! The matter you are asking about has been decided.


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Under the arch of the guillotine; The necessary initiative of the Liberation Organization