Most members of the UN Security Council on Friday expressed their concern about the danger of nuclear proliferation, during a meeting regarding Moscow's declaration of its intention to deploy "tactical" nuclear weapons in Belarus , which was clearly condemned by Western countries.
"This is an additional blow to the map of arms control, to strategic stability in Europe, and to international peace and security," said French Ambassador Nicolas de Riviere during the meeting, which Ukraine called for.
"Let's be clear, no other country has raised the possibility of using nuclear weapons in this conflict, and no country is threatening Russian sovereignty," British Deputy Ambassador James Kariuki said.
He considered the Russian declaration "a new attempt at intimidation and coercion." "(These attempts) have not succeeded so far and will not succeed. We will continue to support Ukraine's efforts to defend itself," he added.
While France, the United States, and the United Kingdom, along with other members of the Council, clearly condemned the Moscow Declaration, some blamed both the Russians and Westerners, and expressed concern about the spread of nuclear weapons.
"Evil cannot be remedied with evil," said Brazilian Ambassador Ronaldo Costa Filho.
Russia referred to the policy of "nuclear sharing" pursued by NATO, especially through the deployment of US nuclear weapons in Europe, to justify its agreement with Belarus, a position that was repeated Friday before the Security Council.
The Brazilian ambassador stressed that "responding to a nuclear sharing agreement by placing weapons in a non-nuclear country is also a violation of obligations under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons," denouncing "the race to the bottom that does not guarantee the safety of anyone, regardless of who took the first step."
“On March 25, the Russian Federation announced that it had reached an agreement with Belarus to deploy its non-strategic nuclear weapons on the territory of Belarus,” said Izumi Nakamitsu, UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs. “When it comes to nuclear weapons issues, I would like to be clear to all countries. Avoid any actions that, through an error of judgment, may lead to an escalation of violence."
China, for its part, called for "the abolition of nuclear sharing agreements." "We call for any nuclear-armed country to refrain from deploying nuclear weapons abroad, and to withdraw nuclear weapons deployed abroad," said Chinese Deputy Ambassador Geng Shuang, without naming any country.
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Concern in the Security Council about the possibility of Russia deploying nuclear weapons in Belarus