The Ambassador of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to Jordan, Nayef bin Bandar Al-Sudairy, in an exclusive interview with
* The Palestinian issue is the first for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its leadership
• The Kingdom affirms its commitment to peace as a strategic choice and condemns unilateral measures that undermine the two-state solution
• The Kingdom is keen to support the budget of the Agency (UNRWA); to enable it to fulfill its obligations
• The incursions and practices in Al-Aqsa Mosque are painful and provocative to the Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims
• We rejected American dictates in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and we maintained neutral diplomacy
Amman/ The interview was conducted by: Ziyad Abu Al-Zaluf and Muhammad Abu Khudair
The Ambassador of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to Jordan, Nayef bin Bandar Al-Sudairy, stated that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not bargain or delve into slogans, but works and takes positions according to a consistent methodology and strategy regarding the Palestinian issue, which has the first place in the priorities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in terms of Arab and Islamic issues.
Ambassador Al-Sudairi said in an exclusive interview with, at the embassy's headquarters in Amman, that the Palestinian issue, Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque are of great interest to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman.
Ambassador Al-Sudairy denounced the violations and crimes committed by the occupation against the Palestinian people and holy sites, foremost of which is the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.
He stressed the necessity of resolving the Palestinian issue in a just solution based on the resolutions of international legitimacy and the establishment of the Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with Jerusalem as its capital. He said that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia supported the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and provided political, economic and financial support to establish the steadfastness of the Palestinians on their land and to preserve their constants and sanctities.
The following is the text of the meeting:
Q: How do you assess and describe the Saudi-Palestinian relations at this stage?
A: The Saudi-Palestinian relations are ancient and extended, and it takes time to talk about them. It is possible to write books of their depth, ramifications, and antiquity, dating back to the era of the late King Abdul Aziz, in remarkable encounters and meetings dating back to the beginning of the last century, with the international powers, which began with the holding of the London Conference in 1935, known as the Conference. The round table to discuss the Palestinian issue, and the Kingdom supported the Palestinian cause on all political, economic and social levels.
And then King Saud, Faisal, Khalid, Fahd, Abdullah, and the auspicious era of King Salman and the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Mohammed bin Salman.
Saudi Arabia participated in most of the conferences and meetings related to resolving the Palestinian issue, starting with the Madrid Conference and ending with the road map and the Arab Peace Initiative, which were proposed by King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz (the Crown Prince at the time) and adopted by the Arab countries as a unified Arab project at the Beirut Summit in March 2002 to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict. .
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has called on Israel to abide by the implementation of the relevant international legitimacy resolutions that provide for complete withdrawal from all occupied Arab lands since 1967 AD, and calls on the international community to intervene urgently to stop the aggressive and repeated Israeli attacks and practices against the Palestinian people.
The Kingdom had a prominent and consistent role and position regarding the stages and violations committed against the land and the Palestinian people. The Kingdom condemned Israel's construction of the separation wall that includes vast Palestinian lands, and submitted a protest note to the International Court of Justice in The Hague condemning Israel's construction of the apartheid wall, and the court issued a decision not to The legitimacy of this wall and demanded that Israel remove it.
King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz announced at an early stage a peace project at the Arab summit conference held in the Moroccan city of Fez in 1982 AD, and it was approved by the Arab countries and became the basis for the Arab project for peace, just as this initiative was the basis for the peace conference in Madrid in 1991 AD.
Then came an initiative announced by King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz at the Beirut summit in March 2002, and adopted by the Arab countries as a unified Arab project to resolve the Arab-Palestinian conflict, which provides security and stability for all peoples of the region and secures a permanent, just and comprehensive solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. The aim of the initiative was the establishment of an internationally recognized Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, the return of refugees and withdrawal from the occupied Golan Heights, in exchange for recognition and normalization of relations between Arab countries and Israel. The Arab Peace Initiative was announced at the Arab Summit in Beirut, and it won Arab support, and through it he announced his initiative, calling for Israel's complete withdrawal from all Arab lands occupied since 1967, in implementation of Security Council Resolutions (242 and 338), which were reinforced by the decisions of the Madrid Conference in 1991 and the principle of Land for peace, and its acceptance of the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. This is in return for the Arab countries establishing normal relations within the framework of a comprehensive peace with Israel.
The initiative is summed up in withdrawal from the occupied territories up to the borders of June 4, 1967. Acceptance of the establishment of a Palestinian state on the occupied lands in the West Bank and Gaza, with Jerusalem as its capital. Solve the refugee issue in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy.
The Kingdom confirms its commitment to peace as a strategic choice, and that the security and stability of the Middle East region requires speeding up a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue, in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy and the Arab Peace Initiative, and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. The Kingdom also condemns all unilateral measures taken undermine the two-state solution and call for its immediate and complete cessation.
Q: What is the amount of financial support provided to the Agency, the people and the Palestinian Authority?
A: There is no ceiling for aid to the Palestinian cause. Last week, I handed over to the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, the check from Saudi Arabia for the agency's budget in the amount of $27 million to support the agency's programs and operations in The region, in the presence of the head of the Refugee Affairs Department of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Ahmed Abu Holi, under the direction of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - and his Crown Prince, Prince Muhammad bin Salman, Prime Minister - may God protect them - and out of their keenness to support the Palestinians in the occupied territories, they are keen to support the UNRWA budget; To enable it to fulfill its financial obligations in order to improve the living, educational and medical services for the Palestinian refugees, in addition to the assistance it provides to the Palestinian people through approved official channels.
And the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has always devoted most of its capabilities to support the Palestinian cause in various political, economic and social fields, in addition to its absolute support for the cause and the rights of the Palestinian people in the United Nations and humanitarian organizations, including the historical cooperation relationship with UNRWA and the continuous support for its services and appreciation of its role in supporting the Palestinian refugees and its work in particular In light of the unprecedented financial challenges due to the outbreak of the Corona Covid 19 pandemic, in addition to the challenges represented by the repetition of the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian people in all Palestinian territories.
The total Saudi support directed to Palestine since 1999 amounts to more than $5.2 billion, including support for the budgets of the Palestinian National Authority and direct support for a number of sectors of infrastructure, health, education, food and agricultural security, the government, Palestinian civil society, water and environmental reform.
The Saudi support for the Palestinian people stems from the Kingdom's firm belief in the important assistance provided by UNRWA to more than 5.4 million Palestinian refugees through its education and health programmes, in addition to the relief services, social services and other job opportunities it creates, so that the Palestinian people can enjoy a decent life.
The Kingdom has previously provided material and moral support to the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian people since the beginning of the Palestinian cause. The Kingdom made a generous donation at the Arab Summit Conference in Khartoum in 1967 AD, and the Kingdom committed itself at the Baghdad Summit in 1978 AD to provide annual financial support to the Palestinians in the amount of one billion and ninety-seven million and three hundred thousand dollars, for a period of ten years (from 1979 to 1989 AD). At the emergency summit in Algeria in 1987, the Kingdom decided to allocate a monthly support of 6 million dollars to the Palestinian Intifada. In the first intifada in 1987, the Kingdom made a cash donation to the Palestinian Intifada Fund in the amount of one million four hundred and thirty-three thousand dollars, and provided two million dollars to the International Red Cross to purchase medicines, medical equipment, and food. for the Palestinians.
The Kingdom pledged to finance a development program through the Saudi Fund for Development, amounting to three hundred million dollars, concerned with the sectors of health, education and housing. It was announced at conferences of donor countries during the years 94-95-97-1999 AD. In addition to customs exemptions for Palestinian goods and products. The Kingdom has fully fulfilled its contributions as determined by the 2002 Beirut Summit to support the budget of the Palestinian Authority, and what was confirmed by the Sharm el-Sheikh Summit 2003 AD to renew the Arab commitment to this support, as it transferred the full commitment and the amount of 184.8 million dollars for the period from 2002 AD to 2004 AD. It also fully fulfilled its commitments according to the Tunis Summit 2004 regarding the continued arrival of financial support to the Palestinian Authority's budget for six months, starting from April until the end of September 2004, when it transferred the full amount of 46.2 million dollars.
At the Arab Summit Conference in Cairo 2000, the Kingdom took the initiative to propose the establishment of two funds under the name of “Al-Aqsa Fund” and the Jerusalem Intifada Fund, with a capital of one billion dollars. The Kingdom’s government has also paid attention to the Palestinian refugee problem, as it provided humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugees directly or through international agencies and organizations concerned with refugee affairs such as UNRWA, UNESCO, the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, the World Bank, and the Islamic Bank. Its share of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), represented in its annual contributions amounting to one million two hundred thousand dollars to the agency’s budget, and provided it with exceptional donations amounting to about sixty million four hundred thousand dollars, to cover the deficit in its budget and implement its programs for the Palestinians.
Q: Can you tell us about the activities of the King Salman Center and its role in the Saudi-Palestinian relations?
A: The King Salman Relief Center works with high efficiency inside Palestine and plays an important role in directing support to the Palestinian brothers and the national authority led by President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen).
Q: How do you view the Israeli assassinations and incursions, and what is the required Arab and Islamic move to deter the occupation from its practices against the Palestinian people and holy sites, especially the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque?
A: The Israeli practices are inhumane and rejected wholeheartedly in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and you heard and saw the speech of His Highness the Foreign Minister Prince Faisal at the General Assembly in New York last month, who devoted a large part of his speech to what was related to Palestine, the Palestinian cause, the Palestinian people and the ideas of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regarding the settlement. And the Kingdom is the only country in the world that presented an initiative that was adopted by the Arab League in 2002 and became the Arab Peace Initiative.
I believe that peace is possible, but according to the resolutions of international legitimacy, the basis of which is Security Council Resolution 242, and the preservation of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. We view this issue with great importance, especially the issue of Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, a very important issue.
Q: What about the violations in Al-Aqsa Mosque and the attempts of the occupation and the settlers to change the status quo in the mosque in favor of the settlers and Judaization?
A: The storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque is unacceptable and extremely dangerous, and it increases the complexity and tension of the situation. What we have seen and are witnessing of storming and practices in Al-Aqsa Mosque is painful and provocative to the Palestinians, Arabs and all Muslims, and it is unacceptable and must stop immediately in any way.
Q: What is the position of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the Abraham Accords and the Emirati-Bahraini normalization with the Israeli occupation?
A: The normalization and peace agreement that was signed between the UAE, Bahrain and Israel unilaterally is the case of these countries. With regard to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the position is clear. What matters to us is that the Palestinian people obtain their rights in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy. Then we discuss the repercussions of these agreements on the people and the Palestinian cause. What matters to us is that any Agreements that have a positive impact on the cause and the Palestinian people, what is the benefit of any agreement concluded with Israel and how much brings us closer to the legitimate Palestinian rights in Palestine, especially in Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque?
Q: What about opening Saudi airspace to Israeli civil aviation?
A: This is an international technical subject in accordance with the international agreements in force in the world. It has nothing to do with normalization and relations with the Israeli occupation.
Q: What about the joint Saudi-Palestinian economic committee to enhance joint cooperation that was established in 2019?
A: The committee is recovering and its activities after most of the work was disrupted during the past two years due to the (Corona) crisis and the epidemic that disrupted and obstructed many committees and joint projects. We hope that within the next few months, this committee will be activated to achieve its goals in promoting economic cooperation.
We are working to strengthen the Saudi-Palestinian economic cooperation, and we have a strategy and a fixed goal, which is that anything that benefits and supports the steadfastness and economy of the Palestinian people, we support it and cooperate with the Authority's strategy in reconnecting the Palestinian economy with the Arab and Islamic economy.
With pleasure, and God willing, in the near future, we will see some results in this field.
Q: How do you deal with some voices and social networking sites that attack the role and positions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?
A: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the only country that has a well-established and strong strategy that relies on action and deed. It does not care and does not like talk, rhetoric, distortion and slogans, especially with regard to the Palestinian cause. "The sun's rays are not covered by a sieve." Our role, position and influence is clear and tangible and in an advanced Arab, Islamic and international position.
There is no doubt that those who attack and make fun of the role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have special agendas and have special parties that feed this suspicious role that they play. However, we are betting on the awareness of our people in Palestine and our Arab and Islamic people who see the Kingdom’s political, economic and social role on all Arab, Islamic and international levels.
As for some tweeters and bloggers on some social sites and platforms, some teenagers attack some positions of the Kingdom out of ignorance. They do not offend the Kingdom, but rather offend themselves. They distance and alienate the Saudis and the Saudi people and prepare them against the cause and the Palestinian people.
Unfortunately, we see and hear some of these polemics and attacks on the Kingdom, and we do not know whether they come from real accounts or from fake accounts, and where were they? Regardless of the party that moves them and works to sow the seeds of discord between the Saudi and Palestinian peoples, the fate of these people is to reach the truth that the Kingdom has been and will remain the supporter and supporter of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and their just cause, and they realize that the Palestinian cause is the first issue for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its wise leadership. Since before the Palestinian Nakba in 1948.
Q: What about the Iran axis, is there an improvement in relations with this axis and the organizations that receive support from Iran?
A: We wish this axis guidance, and everyone knows that Iran is not relied upon in any matter that serves the interests, rights and sanctities of the Arab and Islamic nations, and that it is always behind chaos, problems and strife, and the evidence is before us in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen, and in many other regions and it is trying to Palestine. I believe that this is harmful to the Palestinian cause and the Arabs as a whole.
Iran's record since its revolution in 1979 is full of spreading unrest in the countries of the region. There is no doubt that Saudi Arabia has practiced a policy of restraint throughout this period, despite its continued suffering and the countries of the region and the world from Iranian policies.
We see in Iranian foreign policy, especially the principle of exporting the revolution, a violation of the sovereignty of states and interference in their internal affairs under the name of "supporting the oppressed and oppressed peoples."
The Arab region did not know sectarianism and sectarianism until after the Iranian revolution in 1979 AD. The Iranian regime has intervened in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, to the extent that one of its aides, Haider Moslehi, the former Iranian Minister of Intelligence, ranted that Iran occupies 4 Arab capitals.
Q: What about the Arab, Islamic, regional and international role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?
A: Saudi Arabia is one of the most important countries in the world along with the United States of America, Russia and others, as it is considered a strong country in the energy sector, which possesses wide capabilities in this sector, which makes it of strong importance in the sector, especially since it has a wide contribution to any decision in the sector. energy in the world.
Saudi Arabia has wide political and economic relations in the countries of the region and the world, at a time when it has proven great importance in the Middle East region, which is considered one of the most important locations in the world, and any global decision in the region, Saudi Arabia must participate in this aspect., and Saudi Arabia has accumulated its wealth including It is beneficial to the Saudi people, to become a pioneer in all fields in recent years.
This was reflected in our brothers and friends, and the assistance provided by Saudi Arabia precedes in its size and impact the assistance of many of the superpowers that are permanent members of the Security Council.
Saudi Arabia has succeeded within the Group of Twenty in responding to the global financial crisis, with the measures it took that prevented the world from falling into recession. As the resilience of the financial system in Saudi Arabia has been strengthened over the past years, thanks to strict measures and proactive supervision, in light of the banking system maintaining its sound conditions, profitability levels and high capitalization even in the aftermath of the recent global crisis.
Saudi Arabia plays a positive and influential role in enhancing regional and international security and stability in the economic and political aspects, especially in the stability of global energy markets through its active role in the global petroleum market. From this standpoint, Saudi Arabia's petroleum policy advances on a balanced basis, taking into account the interests of energy-producing and consuming countries.
Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that has the ability to fill any shortage in the energy markets, which reflects its production efficiency in oil, and this was proven by the last period, when it contributed to filling the deficit of a number of countries whose production stopped during the recent events in the region, as it has huge potential In operations supplies to global markets.
The importance of Saudi Arabia comes among the twenty countries, as it is the largest oil exporting country, and oil is the largest commodity in trade exchange - exports and imports - and represents 3.1 trillion dollars annually, which enhances the importance of Saudi Arabia’s presence among these twenty countries in that Saudi Arabia is the largest producer of this commodity in the world. As Saudi Arabia accounts for 18 percent of the global trade in crude oil.
According to the International Monetary Fund report, Saudi Arabia plays an influential role in the global oil market system and its stability as one of the largest exporters of crude oil and the only producing country that has a huge surplus production capacity, as the proven oil reserves of Saudi Arabia amount to 266 billion barrels, and it is estimated that its surplus production capacity is At the present time, it is 2.7 million barrels per day, and he indicated that Saudi Arabia will continue to have an influential role in light of the uncertainty about the prospects for the global oil market.
Q: What are the repercussions of the Russian war on Ukraine on Arab and Islamic issues?
A: There is no doubt that it is a global crisis and it has cast a shadow over the whole world at different levels, and from this standpoint the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is making efforts to resolve this crisis peacefully. It has presented many initiatives, the latest of which is the release of prisoners, which confirms its neutral and influential role on both sides in the bloody conflict. Our relations Excellent with both sides. This is annoying to some countries and friends, but we insist on a neutral role in the conflict.
We have rejected American dictates in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, we have maintained neutral diplomacy, humanitarian work and a peaceful solution to this conflict, we have rejected the American positions related to the US midterm elections, we have rejected the American logic in which they deal, and the American demand from the Kingdom to increase oil production knowing that the United States is the largest producer and can Increase production first!
The United States exports gas to its allies in Europe at four times the price of gas in the world, and it is the beneficiary and exploiter of the global crisis from the war.
Washington is allowed to look at its economic and national interests while we are forbidden?
This conflict did not affect our assistance to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees - UNRWA.
Q: The vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030.. has become the talk of those interested, especially in the region.. Tell us about it?
A: It is natural for the Saudi Vision 2030 to be the talk of the world, not just the region.. especially when His Highness, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the architect of the vision, announced the endeavor to make not only the Kingdom but our region, the Middle East; It is the new Europe.. This is of course what the forces of evil, darkness and terrorism do not want.
The Saudis and the wise people in the region and the world are happy with this vision and its achievements and the amazing transformations that the Kingdom is witnessing since the inauguration of Vision 2030, which centered on the issue of centering around the citizen mainly and its tripartite that the Saudis have come to preserve (an ambitious homeland, a prosperous economy, a vibrant society), which was confirmed by the Crown Prince when Setting the goal of Saudi Arabia today, which lies in removing challenges, exploiting opportunities, and continuing to grow and prosper, and if this ambition is the goal of the goals of any development experiment, then the details mentioned by the Crown Prince confirm its transition from the realm of initiatives to a comprehensive vision or what is called (a project). The vision today is not an option, but rather a Saudi project that rises to existential importance, and this was confirmed by its architect, Prince Muhammad bin Salman, when he touched the degree of awareness of the importance of the vision, as it is a settled issue that cannot be touched and no person on this planet has the power to thwart it. Where Saudi Arabia today is the most developed country in the world by 7.6%, and the Saudi banking sector today is among the strongest 4 in the world, and today it owns the second largest sovereign fund in the world among ten, and the largest reserves in foreign currency, in addition to the great influence in meeting the demand for oil And it is a vision that comes at an important time and an exceptional time when the world is living in the chaos of imbalance, more than the consequences of the controversy of the conflict in Ukraine. Issues of sovereignty, foreign reserves, investment in the homeland, and the independence of economic orientation have become urgent and sensitive files for all countries of the world, even those that do not come into contact with the Ukraine crisis or The post-Corona world and the daunting challenges it poses.
Today, the Saudis are betting with their geopolitical and economic position, as well as richness and a long historical extension, on achieving Vision 2030, which is beginning to bear fruit, and has the ability and flexibility to overcome challenges thanks to investment projects in people, initiatives and programs to achieve and empower the vision that is taking place in all regions, and groups of young people And the brilliant young women to develop their strategies side by side with the experts who provide the amazing new generation in the numbers of its achievements with a lot of wisdom that they need, and between generations and the bonds of belonging to the homeland, history, customs, traditions and generosity, which in turn turned from mere values known by those who visited the Kingdom and resided in it to projects of a culture of welcome and good Hospitality in the relevant ministries.
One of the goals of Vision 2030 is a vibrant society, and to reinforce this trend, Prince Mohammed bin Salman established a framework to improve the quality of life of citizens and residents. It includes increasing cultural and recreational ways, and working to promote healthy lifestyles through sports, leisure activities, sustainability, etc., and this is evident in the Green Saudi Arabia project, and the Green Middle East project, which is considered the largest urban afforestation project in the world, in addition to the “The Line” project, which is It is a carbon-neutral futuristic city; This is thanks to the merging of nature and artificial intelligence in order to create a hybrid future that aims to create 380,000 jobs and add $48 billion to the gross domestic product.
The targets also include: a thriving economy.
Through the Vision Program, the Crown Prince is looking forward to creating more new job opportunities for male and female citizens of the Kingdom by investing heavily in developing an educational system that is compatible with market requirements. The Crown Prince seeks to achieve this by narrowing the gap and linking the outputs of higher education. Making at least five Saudi universities among the top 200 universities in the world.
Prince Mohammed bin Salman also focuses on providing opportunities for youth, entrepreneurs and small businesses. As different organizations and institutions launch a package of new programs that are in line with this pillar; The Mohammed bin Salman Charitable Foundation, known as “Misk Charity” for short, has developed many initiatives that help Saudi youth to be a workforce ready to launch in the local and global market.
Over the past five years, Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been keen to provide a suitable environment for citizens in the private and non-profit sectors. This is through launching the National Transformation Program to enhance operational efficiency and establish centers of excellence. Perhaps the main platforms established under this pillar are; It is the oversight and anti-corruption authority “Nazaha” that works to make the country more transparent, accountable and free from corruption.
Among the objectives of the vision are: energy sources.
The vision aims to generate 50% of the Kingdom's energy from renewable sources by 2030. To this end, the Saudi Public Investment Fund, headed by the Crown Prince, has invested about 1.5 trillion Saudi riyals since 2016 in alternative energy.
In furtherance of this, the Kingdom is looking forward to using clean technologies and renewable energy to reduce its expected emissions for 2030 by more than 130 million tons, and to reduce its contribution to global emissions, which currently represent more than 4% of all emissions on the planet.
Q: What is the word that you address to the Palestinians and Jerusalemites in particular?
A: Palestine and Jerusalem in particular receives attention and it is in the heart of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and His Highness the Crown Prince and Prime Minister and in the heart of every Saudi. We always pray in our prayers to God Almighty that God relieve the suffering of our brothers in Palestine and Jerusalem, and we work and hope that the Palestinian issue will be resolved to the satisfaction of our people. And our brothers in Palestine, and to obtain their legitimate rights in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy.
God willing, we will meet soon in Jerusalem and pray together in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.
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Ambassador of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to Jordan to "Al-Quds": The Palestinian issue is the first for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its leadership