Wed 15 Mar 2023 8:27 pm - Jerusalem Time

Unemployment rates in the Eurozone are at their lowest levels ever recorded

Brussels, (AFP) - Unemployment rates in the eurozone remained at their lowest level in June at 6.6 percent of the total population, the European Union's statistics agency announced Monday.

The percentage of job seekers in the single currency area fell in May to its lowest level since April 1988, when Eurostat began recording this data.

That the rate remained stable in June means that it fell from 7.9 percent compared to the same period last year, with 12.93 million unemployed in the European Union.

In the 27 European Union countries, including those that did not adopt the euro, the unemployment rate in June remained stable at 6.0 percent.

The unemployment rate among youth, that is, job seekers under 25 years of age, rose slightly between May and June, registering 13.6 percent in both the euro area and the European Union as a whole.


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Unemployment rates in the Eurozone are at their lowest levels ever recorded