America has never witnessed international political isolation on both the official and popular levels as it is currently witnessing, especially due to its leadership, through its agent, the artificial Israeli entity, waging a war of extermination and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and at a less brutal pace in the West Bank during the past sixteen months, and its brazen announcement of its plan to uproot the Palestinian people from their historic homeland, starting with the Gaza Strip, through the dirtiest forced displacement operation under penalty of death for anyone who refuses to liquidate the Palestinian cause by depriving the Palestinian people of their basic rights guaranteed internationally to freedom, independence, and self-determination, and the repercussions of that on the possibility of threatening Jordanian and Egyptian national security, the first line of defense for Arab national security in its comprehensive concept.
The American political isolation, the manifestations of which we witness through the decisions issued by the international community supporting the rights of the Palestinian people, and denouncing and rejecting Israeli crimes and violations represented by the decisions of the General Assembly and the Security Council, had it not been for the veto that prevents their approval, and by the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court, and the Human Rights Council, and by international human rights organizations and bodies, and by the peoples who have risen up in their countries across the world, including America and Europe, despite its military and economic power and strength, is an indication and a sign that America is going through the first stage of the stages of collapse and decline of American influence on the global stage, even over allied countries such as the European Union countries, which President Trump leads arrogantly, and which is represented by the international political isolation resulting from a number of factors, including:
First: The mentality of subjugation to countries.
Second: Direct and indirect robbery of the world’s wealth.
Third: The United Nations employs its charter, objectives and resolutions to serve its interests without regard to the interests, security and stability of other parties, states and peoples.
Fourth: The hateful duality in dealing with international resolutions and their contradictory interpretations of international laws, such as the right to self-defense, for example.
Fifth: Using or threatening to use military force to impose its policy and achieve its goals.
Sixth: Its threat to international peace and security by flouting international law, and its support and empowerment of rogue states and entities by all means of military, political and legal force, and enabling them to escape accountability and punishment by using the veto, contrary to the philosophy and justifications of its legitimacy, as is the case in justifying and supporting the continuation of the Israeli military occupation of the territories of the occupied and internationally recognized Palestinian state and the Syrian Golan Heights on the one hand, and its support for war crimes, crimes of genocide and ethnic cleansing, and against humanity, and its continued perpetration of brutality that has no parallel in modern history by the terrorist colonial entity, Israel, under the pretext of self-defense, contrary to Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.
Seventh: Withdrawing or threatening to withdraw from international bodies and institutions and stopping the fulfillment of their financial and moral obligations, as happened with the Human Rights Council and UNRWA in blatant defiance of the international community, and evading its obligations and duties as a permanent member of the Security Council, thereby sending a threatening message to the rest of the international organizations and bodies that express condemnation, denunciation and rejection of the crimes and policies of the aggressive and expansionist Israeli colonial entity or of American policy in commitment and implementation of its systems and goals.
Eighth: Using the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund as a tool to pressure the majority of member states of the United Nations General Assembly to force them to comply with its decisions or to stop their relations with major countries such as Russia and China, the other competing global pole.
Ninth: Undermining the principles of justice and equality before international law, also stipulated in the United Nations Charter, by targeting the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court, and imposing sanctions on their judges and legal and administrative bodies, and even threatening countries committed to upholding, respecting and respecting international law and justice without duplicity and selectivity.
The American encroachment and arrogance in dealing with the majority of the countries of the world and its exclusion of the international will from the path of implementing international resolutions requires the formation of a counter-force that imposes its interests and will, otherwise the majority of the member states of the General Assembly and their peoples will remain victims of American arrogance in particular, and of any brutal force in general. The Palestinian issue and the continued Israeli colonial occupation of the lands of the Palestinian state recognized by 149 countries, and what the Palestinian people have been exposed to for 77 years of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the context of a war of genocide and ethnic cleansing are only an example of what may befall the peoples of Third World countries according to the American and European classification.
The counter-force should be formed from all countries that believe in upholding and embracing the principles of freedom, justice and equality, upholding the power of right and rejecting the logic of the right of force, by confronting the American policy that was clearly evident in President Trump’s public statements about annexing the lands of countries, forcibly displacing the Palestinian people and rejecting the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, depriving the Palestinian people of freedom, independence and self-determination guaranteed by international law, in violation of the United Nations Charter and its goals of establishing international peace and security.
The required counter-force has two ways to achieve its goals: either amending the United Nations Charter, breaking the monopoly of executive powers exclusively vested in the permanent member states of the Security Council, and abolishing the accompanying veto right, or collectively withdrawing from the General Assembly and forming a new international organization that works to embody justice, equality, and human rights as a reality, not a slogan.
International isolation of Israel, freezing its membership in the General Assembly and all international bodies and institutions, and boycotting American interests officially and popularly is the beginning.
This is not a dream, but rather requires will, and the will of the people is invincible and will prevail, God willing.
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American opportunity to build a counter-force that imposes its will