Both complement each other. Netanyahu's crimes in destroying the Gaza Strip, killing tens of thousands, and the goal is clear: 1- Making the Gaza Strip unfit for life by destroying the infrastructure, and he succeeded in achieving his goal with distinction. 2- Pushing the Palestinians towards forced or voluntary departure and immigration in search of better opportunities for life, and he failed in that and failed very clearly, and the return marches are a popular Palestinian slap in the face to all his colonial expansionist programs.
President Trump, with his humanitarian motives and his concern for the lives of the people of Gaza, who cannot live in the Gazan "hell" that his ally Netanyahu created, of course, with public American support, presented a very innocent proposal, not hasty, but rather seems well-thought-out and agreed upon, to deport the people of the Gaza Strip from the "hell" they are living in, which Netanyahu, his team and his apparatuses created for them. He prepared the ground for his ally Trump to present his humanitarian plan for the Palestinians to leave Palestine, because the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Gaza Strip requires, according to his estimates, 10 to 15 years, and it is a shame for the people of Gaza to remain in this inhumane situation for this long and difficult period, as they deserve better. As a brave president, he has an excessive sense of humanity that seeks to solve the problem of the people of Gaza outside their homeland, and thus he catches two birds with one strike: the first is to solve the problem of the poor people of Gaza outside their homeland, and the second is to solve the problem of the "small-sized" Israeli colony surrounded by Arab countries with large areas.
On the basis of President Trump’s excessive human sense, I can humbly serve him and offer him two suggestions:
First: Considering that the colony is the first pampered ally for him and for all his selective political team that he chose, and they are fond of loving the colony, its strength and its superiority, I suggest that he demand a halt to the immigration of foreign Jews to Palestine because these enjoy influential citizenship and respectable residence in their countries, and the United States, Britain, France, Italy, Germany and the countries of Northern Europe are glaring real examples of the pampering of these Jews in their countries, and therefore it is not permissible for them to leave their citizenship and their belongings and come to live in the homes of the Palestinians, as Netanyahu is doing, where he lives in the home of a Palestinian Jerusalemite family that was expelled and whose home was looted by him and the colony’s plans. Therefore, President Trump must provide binding advice to his Zionist allies who occupy Palestine to stop bringing foreigners to live in Palestine, and in this way the problems in our Arab region will be reduced, and the colony will not need to expand.
Second: The majority of the people of the Gaza Strip are refugees who yearn to return to the cities and villages from which they were expelled and displaced in Palestine, which was subjected to occupation in 1948, especially the Negev region and the cities of southern Palestine: Beersheba, Ashkelon, Majdal and other cities, especially since their population is small and modest, and the successive governments of the colony provide incentives to new foreign colonists to live in them. Therefore, the active and creative people of Gaza can return to their looted and stolen towns and their problem will be solved forever, and the binding UN General Assembly Resolution 194 will be implemented, regarding the return of the refugees, and they will live together with those of the two peoples who wish to be in one country on the basis of equality, parity and equality, far from displacement, because the people of Palestine are the most deserving of returning to their country and regaining their homes and properties in their homeland, which is their only homeland. They are more deserving of their homeland than the foreigners who come to Palestine as extremist colonists.
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Netanyahu's meeting with Trump