

Wed 08 Jan 2025 5:30 pm - Jerusalem Time

Group Psychology in Palestine: Shield of Struggle and Sword of Division

In Palestine, where blood mixes with soil, and where the occupation attempts to obliterate all signs of life, group psychology emerges as a fundamental shield in the battle of steadfastness. It is the force that rebuilds what the war machine has destroyed, and inspires the individual that his existence is part of a cohesive collective fabric. But this force, as much as it can build, can turn into a wrecking ball if it is misused or slips into the labyrinths of division.

The Group as a Fortress: A Force That Defies Destruction

During the last aggression on Gaza, when only rubble remained as a witness to human existence, the spirit of community emerged to bring life back to what seemed to have ended. Khaled, a simple worker, opened his modest home to shelter displaced families from the Shujaiya neighborhood. “I never felt for a moment that I was doing a favor,” he says. “At this moment, we are one family, and our homes belong to everyone who lost theirs.”

These moments reflect how group psychology in Palestine is turning into a lifeline. From grassroots initiatives to rebuild homes, to mothers caring for neighbors’ children during bombings, Palestinians are demonstrating their ability to turn tragedy into an opportunity to foster unity.

National Identity: A Collective Narrative Under Siege

The Israeli occupation did not only target the land, but also tried to obliterate the Palestinian national identity. But in the face of these attempts, the group’s psychology turned into a cultural tool of resistance. The walls covered with drawings immortalizing the martyrs, and the embroidered dresses bearing stories of the Nakba and struggle, all reflect this cultural resistance.

In Jerusalem, Umm Ahmad spoke about teaching her granddaughter the art of Palestinian embroidery. “This dress is not just a piece of cloth,” she said. “It is our history, an identity that the occupation cannot erase. When my granddaughter completes the dress, she will have woven into every stitch a story of our displaced villages.”

The Group as a Double-Edged Sword: Lessons from Division

Just as the group can be a tool of power, it can become a burden if awareness is absent. The political division between Gaza and the West Bank was not just a difference in visions, but a collective hemorrhage that affected the spirit of Palestinian steadfastness and weakened global solidarity.

Mahmoud, a young man from Ramallah, who participated in a demonstration calling for an end to the division, expressed his frustration, saying: “We fight the occupation with one hand, and weaken ourselves with the other. We cannot win if we fight each other.”

This division was not limited to political factions only, but also seeped into society, where party affiliations came to define daily relationships and deepen the gap between citizens.

Conformity Pressure: When the Group Stifles the Individual's Spirit

Often, belonging to a group turns into enormous psychological pressure on the individual, creating an environment that robs him of his freedom of thought and expression. In some Palestinian factions or families, the individual is required to fully comply with the group’s rules and decisions, even if they conflict with his personal convictions.

A young Palestinian man working in a civil society organization described this pressure, saying: “Sometimes, I find myself forced to support decisions that I do not believe in, just because I fear being accused of disloyalty or abandoning the group. This feeling creates internal alienation and weakens my ability to take initiative.”

This kind of pressure kills diversity within the group and prevents the emergence of new ideas. Instead of being an incubator for creativity, the group turns into a space for intellectual stagnation. In the context of the occupation, where Palestinians need all the energy possible, this alienation becomes a great loss for the national project.

How do we reclaim the group as a tool for liberation?

Reclaiming the group as a tool for liberation requires a sustained effort to reframe its role in Palestinian life. The group must be transformed into a space that promotes the highest human and national values and embraces intellectual diversity, rather than being a tool for division or exclusion.

National identity must be strengthened as an umbrella that transcends all partisan and factional affiliations. When the Palestinian flag is raised, it must cover everyone without exception. Stories and narratives that reflect the struggle of Palestinians as a whole, regardless of their affiliations, can create a new awareness that reunites the ranks.

Free dialogue should also be encouraged within groups, so that each individual has the right to express himself and participate. This dialogue does not only mean accepting different opinions, but also turning them into strengths that enrich the group rather than divide it.

We must confront the internal oppression that creeps into Palestinian society. Traditional values that hold women back or marginalize young people must be replaced with a system that enshrines social justice. For example, strengthening the role of women in community leadership can be a step toward building a stronger and more just group.

Finally, it is necessary to build bridges of solidarity with international groups that support the Palestinian cause. International solidarity can give Palestinians a sense that they are not alone in the battle, and highlight their cause as part of a global human struggle against injustice and colonialism.

In the face of occupation, the Palestinian cannot stand alone. The Palestinian groups, with their good and bad, are the force that has kept the cause alive for decades. But it is a force that needs awareness and openness, lest it become a burden on the liberation project.

As one of the notables of Jenin camp said: “It is not enough to confront the occupation as an external enemy, but we must confront everything that is destroying the fabric of our unity from within. When we listen to the voice of our conscience and make solidarity our compass, our strength becomes greater than an enemy can conquer, and deeper than the winds of division can shake it.”

Group psychology is not just a passing social phenomenon, but rather the backbone of the Palestinian struggle. It is the latent force that, if properly invested, can transcend divisions and build a comprehensive national project that will lead the Palestinians steadfastly and with dignity towards freedom and liberation.


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Group Psychology in Palestine: Shield of Struggle and Sword of Division