If Hezbollah agrees to the American paper "Amos Hochstein", Netanyahu's Israel will not agree to it, and this is what happened with the paper that Hamas agreed to regarding Gaza last July. Netanyahu's journey in Lebanon, which has barely begun yet, is a long, complex and ambitious journey, at the very least for him to seize the south of the Litani and establish settlements there.
Before Hezbollah agrees to this malicious paper, it must change its name from Hezbollah to any other name, or to any party other than Hezbollah; the party of Muhammad, Ali, or Hussein, because it is not permissible to change its combat doctrine, which is based on a divine doctrine, from one extreme to the other. Here we mean the issue of abandoning Gaza and supporting it and evading linking its agreement to cease fire to a ceasefire on it. It is true that its Secretary-General, who announced this more than once, was assassinated, but aren’t there those who still believe in him, his principles, and his positions, so that he and them can be abandoned with such simplicity and smoothness? This, after such a short time since his martyrdom – less than two months – is tantamount to shedding Nasrallah’s blood again, especially since he has not yet been buried.
The party's division is one of the goals of the American-Israeli card, which will drag with it two other divisions, the first with the allied Amal Movement led by Nabih Berri, who seems to be encouraged to identify with it, especially in the issue of separating the arenas, especially the Palestinian arena, for old reasons dating back to the days of the civil war about fifty years ago. As for the second division, it will be with the axis of resistance in Gaza, Yemen and Iraq, which is the axis that the party formed after great effort and a long time, and even stood at its head as its leader and manager. It is no secret that this axis has put in its urgent practical calculations the land of the West Bank, especially the northern regions through the resistance factions, including the Fatah-affiliated Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. Today, the West Bank faces a grave danger represented by its annexation to Israel, which was officially announced as soon as Trump arrived at the White House in two months from now, and actual preparations have begun to do so. It is true that the official Palestinian counter-preparations have not gone beyond some statements, but the essence of the position is still betting on America, including the administration hostile to everything Palestinian headed by Donald Trump and his son-in-law of Lebanese origin, Massad Boulos.
There is no single reason that would make Hezbollah agree to such a malicious card, except that it was defeated in this confrontation, but even the defeat of a resistance party in one of the many confrontations makes it withdraw "quietly", as they say, and rebuild its identity anew. Accordingly, there is one case that makes us understand the party's approval of the card; a superficial, formal approval, reflecting a comprehensive and categorical rejection of principle, inspired by what Netanyahu did with Hamas during the past year in Gaza, and with the Palestinian Authority regarding the independent state during the past thirty years.
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Consequences of Hezbollah's approval of America's malicious card