Mon 28 Oct 2024 9:28 am - Jerusalem Time

Israeli occupation commits a new crime against prisoner Barghouti and his companions in Megiddo prison

The Commission of Prisoners' Affairs and the Prisoners' Club said that the repression units of the occupation prison administration carried out a new crime against the prisoner leader Marwan Barghouti, a member of the Central Committee of the Fatah movement, and a group of his isolated comrades in the cells of Megiddo Prison. The crime was to subject him to a serious, brutal assault on September 9, 2024, which caused him several injuries to his body, specifically to the upper part of his body, where the beating was concentrated.

According to the information that the lawyer was able to convey - under difficult and complicated circumstances and after numerous attempts to visit him over the past period - the beating focused on the head, ears, ribs, and limbs, which led to bleeding in the right ear, a wound in his right arm, and severe pain throughout his body, especially the ribs, chest, and back. The wound later worsened with pus coming out of it, and he suffered from severe ear infections and difficulty moving, as a result of the prison administration deliberately leaving him without treatment.

The Commission and the Club considered that the brutal suppression operations that targeted all prisoners since the beginning of the war of extermination, including symbols and leaders of the prisoner movement, have only one explanation, which is that the occupation has taken a clear decision to attempt to assassinate them, especially with the continued recurrence of attacks against them. Among them was prisoner Barghouti, who was subjected to two previous attacks.

The Commission and the Club pointed out that the occupation prison administration is isolating dozens of prisoner leaders in difficult and tragic conditions, and they are subjected to repeated brutal attacks inside their cells. The Commission and the Club documented, through visits by legal teams, dozens of acts of repression in various prisons, which are included in addition to a series of crimes of torture, starvation, and medical crimes that have reached their peak since the beginning of the war of extermination.

In this context, the Prisoners’ Authority and the Prisoners’ Club confirmed that what is happening to prisoners and detainees inside the occupation’s prisons and camps represents another aspect of the crime of genocide. Over the course of a year of war, dozens of prisoners and detainees have been killed in the occupation’s prisons, the identities of 41 of whom have been announced, while dozens of martyrs detained from Gaza are still subject to enforced disappearance, making this number of martyrs of the prisoner movement the highest in history since 1967.

It is noteworthy that prisoner Barghouti has been detained since 2002, and he has been sentenced to five life sentences and 40 years. Since the beginning of the war, Barghouti has been subjected to several repeated transfers and isolation. Since December 2023, the prison administration transferred him from Ofer Prison to Ayalon-Ramla Prison isolation, then to Ahlikdar isolation, and transferred him again to Ramla isolation, then he was transferred to Megiddo Prison isolation, where he is currently held. It is worth noting that these isolation operations are not the first that leader Barghouti has been subjected to in his prison career.

The Commission and the Club indicated that prisoner Barghouti was subjected to a systematic incitement process, in the context of the ongoing incitement operations by the settler government to kill prisoners, which took an unprecedented approach represented by the competition and boasting in publishing video clips of the torture of prisoners in conditions that degrade human dignity.

The Commission and the Club renewed their demand for the international human rights system to stop the terrifying state of helplessness that surrounds its role in the face of the war crimes of genocide and the crimes committed against prisoners and detainees in the prisons of the Israeli occupation, and to end the state of exceptional immunity that the old colonial states granted to the occupying state of Israel, considering it above accountability, accountability and punishment.


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Israeli occupation commits a new crime against prisoner Barghouti and his companions in Megiddo prison