Sun 20 Oct 2024 10:29 am - Jerusalem Time

Prolonging the war of extermination.. This is what Netanyahu seeks

It has become certain that the duration of the ongoing war of extermination is not linked to the assassination of the leader of the flood, nor to the date of the American elections, but to Netanyahu’s desires, who seeks to continue the war on all sides and fronts. In doing so, he is pushing away the danger of the disintegration and fall of his government, which is based on a racist, extremist coalition that aims to control and influence the region and impose military, political and economic hegemony that expands and extends in all directions, in addition to continuing his search to achieve an image of victory that restores his prestige. He was not satisfied with all the killing, destruction and devastation he caused, nor was he satisfied with the hundreds of tons of bombs and missiles that were dropped on Gaza.

Returning to the maps that Netanyahu and Smotrich displayed in international forums, they were not a slip, or just a drawing on paper or a typo, but rather their doctrine of control, occupation and expansion towards the east and west, and that map that included nibbling away at Jordan, Sinai, southern Lebanon and areas of the Syrian Golan, is what Netanyahu and those with him are seeking to achieve, and its purpose is to establish Greater Israel according to their Talmudic teachings, and for this reason the war of extermination continues and is ongoing in the complete absence of the international voice and international positions, and in the face of all of this, the Arab positions appear weak and fragile, and are unable to stop the war and curb the rampage of Netanyahu and his government.

The absence of international positions and the absence of serious and realistic political initiatives means giving Netanyahu more time to continue the war of extermination, under the cover and umbrella of America and its allies, who bear witness to everything that has happened and is happening, and declare full support every day, and send money and weapons, which makes Netanyahu go ahead with his plan, and is not prepared to stop the war, and enjoys the devastation, destruction and siege, and this gives him more opportunities to market illusions to his audience.

As for his opponents, they have so far failed to exploit the cards that would bring down his government and coalition.

Stopping the war requires an American position and an international decision, and this has not been achieved so far. Rather, all the statements issued by the White House are in agreement with the statements of the occupation government, and the strength of support is increasing in various fields, which explains Netanyahu’s insistence on continuing and expanding the war.


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Prolonging the war of extermination.. This is what Netanyahu seeks