Fri 18 Oct 2024 10:06 am - Jerusalem Time

Lebanese unite under the slogan of priority to cease fire

The statement issued on Wednesday by the heads of the Lebanese religious sects during their meeting in Bkerke came to confirm the "Ain el-Tineh" tripartite appeal issued by the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Nabih Berri, the Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati, and Walid Jumblatt, the former leader of the Progressive Socialist Party. This statement received the support of Hezbollah and the Free Patriotic Movement led by Bassil Gebran, meaning that most Lebanese were united behind the priority of a ceasefire, and then discussing the methods and mechanisms for implementing Resolution 1701 and electing a Lebanese president. The only exceptions to this consensus were the allies of America and Israel from the "Geagea" and the "Kafta", who subject their position and political decision to American and Israeli conditions and dictates.

Israeli Defense Minister Galant says that there will be no negotiations after the ceasefire, but rather negotiations will be under fire, and thus America and Israel want to take Lebanon back to 1982, when Israeli forces reached the heart of the capital Beirut, and American forces came and imposed on Lebanon a president under fire, the assassinated Bashir Gemayel, but the arrangements and agreement of May 17 did not last more than a year, as Gemayel was killed, and all Israeli-American arrangements collapsed. Today, the transformations and changes in Lebanon are not in the interest of America or Israel, and there is a parallel firepower that the party and the resistance do not hesitate to use, in defense of Lebanon's territorial integrity, sovereignty, and the safety of its citizens. What Galant says confirms that the targeting in Lebanon is far from being gains and border arrangements, but rather political and security prices, cutting off part of Lebanon’s territory for the benefit of the occupier. The plan does not only aim to establish a security zone, but rather to deploy multinational forces under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, which will have the right to pursue, deter, chase and search. In addition to that, Hezbollah will not be present on the border, but will withdraw to a distance of 22 km north of the Litani River, and Resolution 1559 will also be activated, so that multinational forces will be deployed on the Syrian-Lebanese border.

The Lebanese Hezbollah party was aware that it would be targeted immediately after the resistance front in the Gaza Strip was eliminated, and that Israel does not want to coexist with a powerful adversary that possesses military and armament capabilities that constitute a guarantee for Lebanon’s security and pave the way for protecting Arab national security. Therefore, the party’s insightful vision, especially its Secretary-General Sayyed Nasrallah, who was assassinated in the southern suburb by American F-35 aircraft, and the American technological, security and intelligence assistance and participation, and the use of American bombs weighing 900 kilograms that penetrate fortifications and reinforced concrete, and the implementation was Israeli.

From this standpoint, the party took the initiative on the second day of the October 7, 2023 battle to participate in supporting the Gaza Strip front, but after the occupation government expanded the scope of its aggression against Lebanon, to reach the capital Beirut and large areas of Lebanon, and carried out the most extensive killing, destruction and displacement operations against Lebanese citizens from the resistance environment and outside it. This was preceded by launching a war on the structure and environment of the party, as Israel sought through the silent triad to booby-trapped calling and signaling devices and carry out extensive assassinations against Hezbollah’s security and military leaders, and carry out unprecedented air strikes against Hezbollah’s structure and environment, leading to the assassination of the party’s Secretary-General, Sayyed Nasrallah. The goal here is clear: to push Hezbollah to collapse and disintegrate, and to destroy the system of command, communication, control and communication with field commanders, so that there is a political and military vacuum within the party, and thus it becomes a military without a compass and leadership, and a political one whose presence is reduced to the maximum extent in the institutions of the Lebanese state and Lebanese society. However, this party was able to restore its internal and organizational conditions in record time, and its Deputy Secretary-General, Sheikh Naim, said: Qassem said that there were no vacant positions in Hezbollah’s centers, and thus the party healed its wounds and rose, and the command, control and communication system remained operating effectively, although this large, wide and painful strike was enough to bring down major countries, but we found that this party had directed qualitative strikes at the occupation army, strikes that targeted the Golani Brigade base in the “Binyamina” base southeast of Haifa with drones, leaving 4 soldiers dead and 67 wounded, according to the Israeli admission, and this was followed by the fall of ballistic missiles on the Tel Aviv area and its surroundings.

Israel has entered a quagmire in Lebanon, and according to retired brigade commanders Yitzhak Brick, Israel Ziv, and others, Hezbollah has achieved accomplishments, and is capable of escalation and changing the equation, and is dragging Israel into a long war of attrition, leading it toward strategic weakness and failure. Israel had not yet recovered from the shock of the Binyamina base operations and the shelling of Tel Aviv, until the Ramya-Aita al-Shaab-Qawzah triangle ambush occurred, where Hezbollah fighters inserted an entire Israeli company into an ambush, through which they engaged that force from point zero and targeted them with appropriate missiles, and ten helicopters transported the dead and wounded occupation soldiers and officers to Israeli hospitals, leaving seven soldiers dead and more than 47 wounded, according to Israeli admission. The party intensified its bombardment of Haifa, the Golan Heights, the Western and Lower Galilee, the settlements in the north, Acre, Tiberias, Kiryat Shmona, Safed and Nahariya, drawing up the equation of Haifa versus the suburb. Instead of the occupation being able to re-settle the displaced from the north, the numbers of displaced settlers doubled, and the economic, military and political losses increased, not to mention the social and psychological crises, and the loss of confidence of Israeli society in the army’s ability to provide security and protection for them, or return the displaced settlers to their settlements.

The Deputy Secretary-General of Hezbollah said clearly in his third appearance that after the occupation expanded its bombing of civilians and comprehensive targeting of Lebanon, including the capital Beirut, the party has moved to the stage of national defense of all Lebanese territories, and the stage of inflicting the most severe pain on the occupation, through qualitative operations, whether on the land front, or targeting and qualitative operations with drones and missiles at the "Binyamina" base in Haifa, and targeting Tel Aviv with ballistic missiles. The party later announced the introduction of Nasr 1 and Qader 2 missiles into service, which have ranges of 100 km and 250 km, and are characterized by accuracy and the ability to target vital targets and the ability to maneuver and evade air defense systems and their systems that are secure from jamming.

Galant, who says that he rejects negotiations after a ceasefire, and that negotiations must be under fire, this position is supported by America, believing that the party will submit to such a demand, but the party responded through its deputy secretary-general, saying: “As Secretary-General Nasrallah said, between us are days, nights, and the field, and therefore the word will remain for the field, and Lebanon says with a unified voice, ‘No negotiations under fire,’ and no discussion of the mechanisms and applications of Resolution 1701, and no presidential elections, except after a ceasefire. The word is for the field, and the war has entered the stage of breaking bones and biting fingers.”


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Lebanese unite under the slogan of priority to cease fire