Thu 17 Oct 2024 10:12 am - Jerusalem Time

Direct American Participation

It is natural for the United States to work and employ its three institutions: 1- the diplomatic government, 2- intelligence and its information, 3- the army and its capabilities, to protect the Israeli colony and enhance its influence, and support it in imposing its hegemony, domination and expansion at the expense of the homeland of the Palestinians and Arabs.

The United States has brought its fleet three times and moved it in the Mediterranean, after the October 7, 2023 operation, to be close to the borders of Palestine, to support the colony’s forces in their invasion of the Gaza Strip last year, and their invasion of Lebanon this year, and to participate in confronting, as it is doing, the Iranian bombing, and thwarting it, as President Biden said.

Strengthening the capabilities of the US military in Palestine to protect the airspace of the colony, its sites, and its institutions, and to cover up its attacks against the Arab resistance forces in Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria, has become a daily, direct task, after the expansion of the size and form of Arab-Israeli clashes. This is due to several reasons, the most important of which are, first, protecting the global interests of the United States, including the Arab world region. Second, protecting the colony and making it the strongest deciding party in the Arab world. Third, to confront Iranian influence, which constitutes an obstacle to the aspirations of Israeli-American expansion and influence. Fourth, and most importantly, confronting Russia and China in our Arab region and their global reach.

The United States succeeded in 1990 with the end of the Cold War, and achieved victory over communism, socialism, and the Soviet Union, and its defeat, and the decline of its global position, which made American and European influence alone in managing the international political scene.

In order to continue this international exclusivity, the United States is working to confront the Chinese economic power, the primary competitor to the American economy, and to confront Russia’s attempts to regain its international status that it lost as a result of the results of the Cold War and its defeat in it.

The United States is working to maintain its position in the Arab world, politically, militarily and intelligence-wise, which it did by employing its capabilities to overthrow regimes in Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Sudan, and what it sought to do in Syria, and in direct action to support the capabilities of the intelligence and cyber-technology colony in eliminating and liquidating Hezbollah leaders.

American participation is no longer just silent intelligence, but rather the expansion of the size of Arab participation with the Palestinians has pushed the American army to be a direct partner in supporting the capabilities of the colony and providing it with all the requirements for superiority, to confront the forces of the Arab resistance.

The battle is exposed, and is no longer a deceptive under-the-table operation, but has become clear and obvious with the participation of the American army, which does not allow the colony’s army to carry out any military action outside Palestine, without direct American approval, consent, and participation.


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Direct American Participation