Fri 04 Oct 2024 8:56 am - Jerusalem Time

The blood massacre in Tulkarm camp

A crime that shames humanity, claiming the lives of more than 20 Palestinians and many wounded, carried out by the occupation army, which only knows the language of killing and watching the blood of our people being shed, against the innocent people in Tulkarm camp.

Israel has decided to continue its policy of taking revenge on our people, slaughtering, killing, terrorizing and destroying all aspects of their lives.

This targeting of dozens of civilians at night, by treacherous air strikes, is a new Israeli crime that can only be described as heinous and cowardly. It is added to the series of crimes committed by the occupation in the Gaza Strip and all over the country, and expresses the state of panic, epilepsy, madness and chaos that has afflicted the leadership of the occupying entity, which has reached the point of hysteria, as it plays on the chord of the death of our people.

Where is the world, where is the United Nations and the Security Council, where are the Arab countries? Who will force Israel to stop its massacres? Who will deter and punish it? Is killing innocents the policy of self-defense of Israel that the United States brags about? It considers, along with its partner Israel, the greatest danger to humanity, and the main axis of evil in the world, and the Middle East region in particular, and they are like a cancer that expands without stopping, spreading poisons, lies, games and justifications.

As our people celebrate today the Friday of stopping the aggression on Palestine and Lebanon, as we approach the anniversary of the first anniversary of the brutal Israeli aggression on our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the Friday of Rage comes under the title (Friday of stopping the aggression on Palestine and Lebanon) to emphasize the necessity of stopping the aggression and ending the war in all its forms against our Palestinian people, in light of the suffering imposed by the occupation on the Gaza Strip, where about 42 thousand martyrs have risen and nearly 100 thousand have been injured, while ten thousand are still missing under the rubble, and in light of the urgent need to remember the crimes of the occupation, the latest of which is the largest crime in Tulkarm camp in decades.

The call made by Hamas stems from the necessity of mobilizing all sectors of our people to fulfill and triumph over the pure blood of the martyrs, to support the option of resistance and steadfastness, to unify all arenas, to draw the world’s attention to the tragedy that our people are experiencing in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and to direct a cry to the entire world about the necessity of stopping the series of crimes of the occupation against children, women and defenseless civilians.

The Friday of Anger also comes to support the brotherly Lebanese people, who have proven through their steadfastness their adherence to their right and their embrace of the Palestinian resistance, and their refusal to submit to all the occupation’s attempts to undermine their resolve, by practicing all forms of brutality and injustice against the Lebanese, who have decided since the beginning of the aggression that Lebanon’s arena would be a source of pride and honor, and that it stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people in all circumstances.

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the aggression of October 7, the international and Arab community and the free people of the world everywhere are called upon to rise up to support our cause, the cause of human justice, after a war that has been approaching a year, and witnessed the killing and destruction of our people. This is the least we can ask of a world that has been silent for a long time and failed to condemn and confront the barbaric Israeli policy, as Israel has exploited the lack of serious intervention by the countries of the world to increase the pace of its measures and violations against the Palestinians, flouting all international charters, laws and treaties, because it knows that the United States supports it, backs it and provides it with the appropriate cover to continue its rampage in the region.

It is also required of those who love just and comprehensive peace to form a real incubator and lever to support Palestine, by demanding that the occupation stop the war on our people and our land, and by pressuring Washington to oblige Israel to stop its aggression and return to the negotiating table, in order to reach an agreement that will end forever the chapters of Palestinian suffering, especially for those who preferred to remain in the Strip and decided to live in tents and defy all the difficult circumstances.

The call to participate in the Friday of Rage must be an occasion for the world and the Arabs, and the international and UN bodies to continue to engage with our Palestinian cause, in an effort to reach a comprehensive peace that gives our people the right to self-determination towards achieving the dream of statehood and independence, and stopping the bloodshed and violations that are unprecedented in human history, the latest of which is the massacre of Tulkarm camp, which no words can describe.


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The blood massacre in Tulkarm camp