Fri 06 Sep 2024 7:33 pm - Jerusalem Time

International newspapers: Israel's operations in the West Bank are absurd and Harris should stay away from Biden

International newspapers have highlighted the ongoing Israeli aggression on the occupied Palestinian territories and its repercussions on the Middle East and the world as a whole, in addition to the consequences of this on the upcoming US presidential elections.

The American "New York Times" said - in its comment on the large-scale Israeli military operation in the northern West Bank - that the Israeli raids have paralyzed the daily lives of many residents of the West Bank.

The newspaper quoted Palestinian citizens as saying that the brutality of the Israeli bombing is unprecedented, as humanity has disappeared after the occupation soldiers uprooted trees, destroyed buildings, and damaged underground sewage pipes, electricity and water, leaving nothing undesired.

In the same context, the Israeli "Haaretz" said in its editorial that Israel is turning the West Bank into another Gaza, as it follows the same methods.

The newspaper pointed out that the destruction caused by the Israeli army in the refugee camps in the West Bank is similar to what happened in Gaza, describing its operations as absurd and only leading to pushing the residents of the West Bank to more despair and armed struggle in light of a clear political plan.

The British newspaper "The Guardian" published an article by the head of the Department of Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh, Devi Sridhar, in which she said that the spread of polio in Gaza shows the true high cost of war.

For its part, Washington is carefully studying the effects that may result from the cessation of negotiations between Israel and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and the measures that must be taken, according to a statement by the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Charles Quinton Brown, to the British newspaper "Financial Times".

The American general added that his country is considering the possible reactions of regional actors if the talks fail, which may lead to a path of miscalculation and cause the conflict to expand.

Newsweek magazine reported that some American lawmakers are advocating the use of force against Iran, but it added that war is the last wish for the United States because its military force against Iran will have first- and second-degree effects, all of which are negative.

The American magazine indicated that war will change Tehran's security calculations for the worse.

Regarding the upcoming US presidential elections, the American website "The Hill" warned Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, saying, "If she does not show her willingness to abandon President Joe Biden's positions on the war in Gaza, she may lose the swing states of Michigan and Ohio next November."

The website continued, "If Harris decides to distance herself from the double standards of US policy towards the Middle East and listen to Arab Americans, she can win their votes and avoid losing Michigan, which could tip the balance in favor of Republican candidate Donald Trump."

Source: American Press + Israeli Press + British Press+ Al Jazeera


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International newspapers: Israel's operations in the West Bank are absurd and Harris should stay away from Biden