Sun 26 May 2024 1:58 pm - Jerusalem Time

The German Vice Chancellor accuses Israel of violating international law in Gaza

On Saturday, German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck accused Israel of violating international law with its actions in the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

This came during his answer to citizens' questions at the "Democracy Festival" held in the capital, Berlin, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the German Constitution.

Habeck explained that Israel had exceeded its borders in the Palestinian Gaza Strip, noting that the German government had repeatedly affirmed its opposition to any military operation in the city of Rafah.

Habeck stressed that Israel must abide by international law, adding: “The hunger, the suffering of the Palestinian people, and the attacks in the Gaza Strip contradict international law. Therefore, Israel has exceeded its borders there. It should not do that.”

Habeck also claimed that the war could end immediately once Hamas announces that it will lay down its weapons.


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The German Vice Chancellor accuses Israel of violating international law in Gaza