المدينة المنورة- المملكة العربية السعودية
الخميس 04 يوليو 2024 1:43 صباحًا - بتوقيت القدس
The Zionist Bank and the International Monetary Fund cannot be blamed, nor can America(USA), Europe(EU), Russia, China, Japan, Canada...etc., be blamed when they provide grants, aid, and usurious loans because they are pursuing their interests, but who should blamed, exposed, and revealing their truth to their peoples in particular, and the whole world in general, they are the ones who strive to be loyal agents, “paid” slaves, and loyal traitors, and billions of dollars in grants and aid are given to them - in the name of the peoples - but they are diverted to accumulate in their accumulated illegal assets, bribery and corruption are the price” for this loyalty, sincerity and employment, and after that they belittle their people - just as Pharaoh - may Allah (God) curse him - belittled his people, and they sell them illusions of patriotism and dreams of honor, power and dignity, and they are the complete opposite of that- and they have none of it... The greatest blame falls on the peoples who believe these trivialities and foolishness and the illusions and dreams of patriotism, honor, heroism and power, and who cheer and clap (shrug) and sing and,dance for these agents, the slaves and traitors...It is the greatest tragedy, and the giant catastrophe that befell or was befallen. Rather, these oppressed and subjugated peoples were targeted with iron, fire, and unjust and illegitimate laws, and they accepted it - unwillingly or willingly - while they were submissive... These peoples are consumed by scoundrel, cowardice, abandonment, hypocrisy, and the silence of the graves, and they are led to the slaughterhouses of the abyss of tyranny, injustice, unemployment, and surrender to the enemies of the nation, without any real emotion or strong vital action to change this tragic and disastrous situation, and it will never have excuse... Allah (God) Almighty, will ask them when they will stand humiliated and submissive before Him, Glory be to Him, the Most High, so that He will ask them about their submission, submissiveness, and meanness, and their satisfaction with injustice, oppression, subjugation, and enslavement, and supporting the oppressors and tyrants, applauding them, dancing, and cheering for their lives, and long life for them...so to Allah (God) - the Majestic and Most High - we complain, and Allah is sufficient for us, and Allah is the best disposer of affairs, and the disgrace, the humiliation...All the shame for such scoundrels, traitors, agents, tyrants, cowards, negligent people, and surrenderers, the brokers, the hired hands, and the hypocrites, and glory, dignity to all the honorable and free people who have living, pure consciences and those who have common sense and sound, faithful, pious hearts, the believers who are zealous for their religion and belief, the mujahideen who strive to achieve the freedom and unity of the countries and peoples of the nation and its strengtand progress, its elevation and leadership.
إقرأ المزيد لـ فلسطيني ...
الأكثر تعليقاً
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الأكثر قراءة
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أسعار العملات
الأربعاء 08 يناير 2025 9:02 صباحًا
دولار / شيكل
بيع 3.65
شراء 3.64
دينار / شيكل
بيع 5.15
شراء 5.13
يورو / شيكل
بيع 3.78
شراء 3.77
هل تنجح المساعي الإسرائيلية لضم الضفة الغربية في 2025؟
(مجموع المصوتين 370)