الثّلاثاء 20 يونيو 2023 8:20 مساءً - بتوقيت القدس

Golan: Injuries as a result of the occupation's suppression of protests against the land grab

A number of residents of the occupied Syrian Golan were injured, during the suppression of the Israeli occupation forces, a protest march against attempts to seize their agricultural lands, and the establishment of circuit breakers and power "turbines" on them.

The occupation forces fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas, which led to several injuries among the residents, and prevented them from reaching their lands.

The occupation forces brought additional military reinforcements, and besieged the agricultural areas on which they intend to set up wind turbines, while hundreds of residents of the occupied Syrian Golan confronted them, who headed to the Hafayer area, east of the village of Masada.


شارك برأيك

Golan: Injuries as a result of the occupation's suppression of protests against the land grab

أسعار العملات

الأربعاء 12 يونيو 2024 10:08 صباحًا

دولار / شيكل

بيع 3.75

شراء 3.73

دينار / شيكل

بيع 5.31

شراء 5.27

يورو / شيكل

بيع 4.07

شراء 4.0

بعد سبعة أشهر، هل اقتربت إسرائيل من القضاء على حماس؟



(مجموع المصوتين 399)