Wed 01 Nov 2023 6:59 pm - Jerusalem Time

The conference for the reconstruction of the stricken areas of Libya begins, with a “limited” European presence.

Today (Wednesday), the “parallel” Libyan stability government launched its conference to rebuild the areas affected by Hurricane “Daniel” that swept through the eastern region. It was noteworthy that the European Union mission reduced its level of attendance, in an indication that the efforts of the stability government, headed by Osama Hammad To exploit the conference as a platform to gain international recognition of its legitimacy “has failed,” according to observers.

Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, Commander-in-Chief of the National Army, attended the opening session of the conference, accompanied by Hammad and in the presence of delegations of countries participating in the conference from major regional and international companies. Hammad said that his government intends to launch huge projects to achieve these goals. He called on national companies to move towards forming real coalitions with international and regional companies to exchange experiences and capabilities, in order to reach the highest levels of quality in design and implementation.

It is expected that the activities of the conference for the reconstruction of the city of Derna and the affected areas will end tomorrow (Thursday), held in the cities of Derna and Benghazi, under the slogan “Together you will flourish again,” while the Hammad government said that it “represents its confidence in the necessity of reconstruction and the rapid humanitarian response to the needs of citizens, including It achieves stability,” noting that the conference looks forward to mobilizing national, regional and international efforts, and exchanging experiences for reconstruction by international companies. She highlighted that the conference includes three axes and targets several parties, including national and international specialized companies, international and regional organizations concerned with development, think tanks, research centers, chambers of commerce, ambassadors and commercial attachés.

But the European Union mission distanced itself from recognizing the legitimacy of Hammad's parallel government through this conference. She said in a statement that her attendance “will not constitute support for any unilateral reconstruction initiatives, or the status of any Libyan participant.” Today (Wednesday), the mission also renewed its call to what it described as Libyan stakeholders to establish a coordinated national platform, with the support of the UN mission, to release the funds necessary for long-term reconstruction efforts, and to manage and distribute reconstruction transparently, with effective supervision and accountability to the Libyan people.

In addition, the US Ambassador and Special Envoy Richard Norland considered that the United Nations Security Council’s decision, which was taken unanimously to extend the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Libya, “demonstrates the international community’s strong support for the efforts of the head of the mission, Abdullah Batili, to promote a comprehensive political process that leads to To hold elections and form a unified government in Libya.

Norland confirmed yesterday evening (Tuesday) that his country, based on the progress achieved through the joint (6 + 6) process between the House of Representatives and the State, remains committed to cooperating with the United Nations, international partners and Libyan leaders to achieve this goal.

France also welcomed, in a brief statement from its embassy, the extension of the UN mission’s mandate, and what the Security Council unit considered to be support for Libya, and considered that the mission’s work was crucial to supporting the political transition process there. For its part, the British Embassy called on all Libyan actors to engage with Batelli in a Libyan-led political process, under the auspices of the United Nations. The Libyan News Agency quoted her as saying, “The need for a unified, democratically elected government to achieve Libya’s stability, security, and long-term prosperity is quite clear,” noting that Britain has allocated more than 5 million pounds sterling to support Libya’s recovery, including 2 million pounds sterling for the United Nations urgent appeal. A delegation of British medical emergency teams, as part of operations to support areas affected by floods in the eastern region.

On the other hand, security tension returned again to the city of Gharyan Al-Jubaila, located south of the capital, Tripoli, after forces affiliated with the Interim Unity Government announced that they had regained control of it. Video footage broadcast by local media showed the people of the Al-Qawasim area in Gharyan (Tuesday evening) blocking the city’s roads, burning tires in protest against the burning and looting, which they said were perpetrated by members of the West South-West Security Force, affiliated with Abdul Hamid Al-Dabaiba and under the command of Abdul Salam Zubi. It also showed that gunmen, affiliated with the joint room affiliated with Al-Dabaiba, set fire to the house of one of the leaders of the city of Gharyan, from which a statement of reconciliation was announced between the people of the city. Other media outlets broadcast video reports about the participation of elements of what was known as the extremist “Benghazi Shura Organization” with Zobi’s forces.

Reuters quoted Mona Al-Muqaddam, a member of the Gharyan Municipal Council, as saying that the fighting in the city led to “the killing of eight people since Sunday, despite the forces affiliated with Al-Dabaiba regaining control of the city.” “The city is now under the control of unity government forces, and the situation is under control,” the lieutenant colonel said, while some residents said that clashes began in Gharyan over the weekend between a local commander, who was previously allied with eastern forces in the civil war, and other fighters allied with the government Unit.


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The conference for the reconstruction of the stricken areas of Libya begins, with a “limited” European presence.