Wed 02 Aug 2023 11:22 am - Jerusalem Time

'Silent annexation': How the Knesset is passing laws to take over the West Bank

Other than the judicial overhaul, which has captured the imagination of the streets and the world, Israel's far-right government is advancing a series of steps that amount to the de facto annexation of the occupied West Bank, the newspaper Haaretz reported.

Beyond the transfer of civilian authorities in the West Bank to extremist minister Bezalel Smotrich, the Knesset has already passed a law that allowed Israelis to return to the four settlements evacuated as part of the disengagement plan in 2005.

As part of a gradual process described by the newspaper, other bills are being prepared that would give Israeli institutions a greater foothold in the West Bank, apply Israeli sovereignty over antiquity and heritage sites, and bolster the ability of military courts to collect fines from Palestinians. 

Haaretz also reported that another string of laws will target Palestinian citizens of Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

In the last days of the last Knesset term, one law passed a first of three votes in the Knesset that would allow families of Israelis killed in attacks to file compensation claims with the Palestinian Authority, as well as preventing payments of Palestinian prisoners. 

Another recent law targets the Palestinian school curriculum in East Jerusalem.


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'Silent annexation': How the Knesset is passing laws to take over the West Bank