Thu 13 Apr 2023 3:41 pm - Jerusalem Time

UN experts: The international community must end forced displacement and annex occupied lands

UN experts said, "The international community must take immediate action to halt Israeli forced evictions and displacement of Palestinians in East Jerusalem , as part of Israel's annexation of the city and the expulsion of Palestinians from it."

The UN experts, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967 Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing Balakrishnan Rajagopal, and Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons Paula Gaviria Betancourt, added in a statement, that "while The world's attention focused on Israel's recklessness at Al-Aqsa, the rockets fired, and the Israeli and international deaths, and while the ten-fold Palestinian death toll was not making similar headlines, there was an unchecked ongoing tragedy: the forced eviction of Palestinians from their homes.

They said that despite the efforts of international organizations and activists, "Palestinians under Israeli occupation continue to be forced to leave their homes and dispossessed of their land and property on the basis of discriminatory laws, aimed at strengthening Jewish ownership in Jerusalem, irreparably altering its demographic composition."

They added that "Israel's transfer of its population to the occupied territories confirms a deliberate intention to colonize the territories it occupies - a practice that is strictly prohibited by international humanitarian law", repeating their previous statement that "it amounts to a visible war crime".

The statement said that it is estimated that about 150 Palestinian families in the Old City of Jerusalem and nearby neighborhoods such as Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah are at risk of forced eviction and displacement by the Israeli authorities and settler organizations.

He added that over the past decades, settlers have seized hundreds of Palestinian properties in occupied East Jerusalem, in part because of a law that purports to allow the transfer of pre-1948 Jewish property to the "original Jewish owners" or their "heirs". "But in reality it helps settler organizations to seize Palestinian property by manipulating the law."

The statement continued, "This is the legal battle in action. The law is discriminatory and based on appropriation, and there is no such right to compensation for the more than one million Palestinians and their descendants who were displaced and expelled from Jerusalem, Israel, and the rest of the West Bank and Gaza Strip from 1947 to 1967. They still are." They long for justice.”

The UN experts expressed particular concern about three families in East Jerusalem: Shehadeh in Silwan, Ghaith Sub Laban in the Old City, and Salem in Sheikh Jarrah.

They said that “although these families have lived in their homes for many decades under a protected lease, they have faced eviction lawsuits filed by settler organizations seeking to seize their property for years. The Ghaith Sub Laban family has already exhausted all legal avenues to challenge the eviction order, and the authorities have notified them Israelis must vacate their home by April 25, or face forced eviction.”

They emphasized that "this is a flagrant violation of international law, which does not give the occupying power the power to change domestic legislation unless strictly required by security needs: the intentions and interests of settler colonialism are not a security need."

The UN experts stressed that “the establishment and expansion of settlements constitutes a grave violation of international law, and can be prosecuted under the Rome Statute.” and non-discrimination."

They said, "For Palestinians, the enjoyment of human rights is a distant hope because the suppression of these rights is part of the structure of the Israeli occupation."

They added that “the manner in which the occupation is allowed to act with impunity in general and without consequences, makes international law a travesty and the credibility of the regime charged with its enforcement,” stressing that “the occupation must end with all speed and until that day, Israel must fully comply with international humanitarian law and its obligations.” international human rights law”.

The UN experts noted that these issues have been raised repeatedly with the Government of Israel, without any response so far.


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UN experts: The international community must end forced displacement and annex occupied lands