Mon 10 Apr 2023 8:56 pm - Jerusalem Time

An emergency meeting of the Union of Councils of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on the occupation’s aggression against Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa

Today, Monday, the Palestine Committee in the Union of Councils of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation convened in an emergency meeting chaired by Algeria , chaired by the President of the Algerian People’s Assembly, President of the Islamic Union , Brahim Bou Ghali , and in the presence of a number of heads of Islamic parliaments.

In a detailed speech, Bou Ghali stressed the importance of strengthening the spirit of solidarity among members, coordination and cooperation to protect the defenseless Palestinian people and to ensure respect for the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque in accordance with international and humanitarian covenants, stressing that the duty is imposed on the parliaments of Islamic countries to take a stand in confronting this aggression.

He called for coming out of this meeting with a position that sends clear messages to the colonialists and the international community and supports the Palestinian people.

Bou Ghali proposed eleven items to be included in the statement issued by the meeting, and among them was in particular the call for the Human Rights Council to hold an urgent meeting to consider these serious and multiple violations of human rights, as well as the demand for urgent action by the International Criminal Court to consider the Israeli crimes that aim to liquidate Palestinians and inflict collective punishment on them, and call on international bodies, led by the Security Council, to assume their responsibilities towards the Palestinian people, take the necessary measures to stop the Israeli aggression, provide protection for Islamic sanctities and enable the Palestinian people to freely practice their religious rites, in addition to calling on regional and international federations and parliaments to condemn Violations of the Israeli occupation and its war of aggression and support for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

For his part, the President of the Palestinian National Council, Rawhi Fattouh, denounced the behavior of the international community, which applies double standards whenever it comes to the Palestinian issue, and called for appending the statement of condemnation with concrete measures that strengthen the support of the Palestinian people who are facing the occupation's abuse in light of suspicious international silence on the occupation's disgraceful behavior against the people. Palestine and its Islamic and Christian sanctities, which belong to Muslims and Christian believers around the world.

He pointed to the numerous attempts to desecrate Al-Aqsa Mosque through the settlers, and to attempts to prevent Muslims from performing their religious rites and worship during the blessed month of Ramadan.

For his part, the Secretary-General of the Union, Qureshi Niass, affirmed that it is the duty of the nation to take a firm stance that supports the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and sends a strong message warning against any violation of its sanctities and assuring the world, at the same time, that Palestine is the central issue, and that there is no peace without a just solution. It enables the Palestinian people to enjoy their rights, foremost of which is the establishment of their independent state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

A number of parliament speakers spoke, namely: Mustafa Shantop (Turkish Republic, Troika member), Ahmed bin Salman Al-Musallam (Kingdom of Bahrain), Muhammad Baqir Qalibaf (Islamic Republic of Iran), and Saqr Ghobash (United Arab Emirates), who affirmed the support of the Islamic countries With Palestine and its central issue for the Islamic nation, and with the Palestinian people.

Representatives of the Member Councils from Indonesia, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom of Morocco, and the Republic of Lebanon also spoke, affirming their condemnation of the Israeli occupation measures against the Palestinian people and their sanctities, and affirming their adherence to the Arabism and Islamism of Jerusalem and its sanctities.

Participated in the meeting, in addition to the Chairman of the National Council, Rawhi Fattouh, Vice-Chairman of the Palestine Committee in the Union of Member Councils of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Secretary of the National Council, Fahmy Zaarir.


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An emergency meeting of the Union of Councils of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on the occupation’s aggression against Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa