Fri 07 Apr 2023 9:02 pm - Jerusalem Time

Qatari interference and disagreements in the Cabinet.. Israeli sources: The current round has ended

Israeli political sources confirmed, on Friday evening, that the current round of security escalation has ended after the bombing of Gaza and Lebanon , and the cessation of rocket fire from the Strip.

The Hebrew channel Reshet Kan quoted a political official as saying that this tour has ended, while the channel's military correspondent quoted a security official as saying that the state of alert continues on the northern border and the tour has not ended.

Avi Dichter , the Israeli Minister of Agriculture and former head of the Shin Bet, said that this round is behind us, and no one wants the escalation to continue, even "our enemies," as he told the Hebrew Channel 12.

According to the Hebrew channel Reshet Kan, a Qatari official assured her that his country has made great efforts to stop the escalation and is still working to establish calm.

According to the channel, yesterday's Cabinet meeting witnessed differences of opinion over the response to include Hezbollah, before it brought together ministers based on the army's recommendation that it be limited only to attacking Hamas targets.


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Qatari interference and disagreements in the Cabinet.. Israeli sources: The current round has ended