

Thu 21 Nov 2024 1:09 pm - Jerusalem Time

UN Fourth Committee adopts resolutions on settlements and UNRWA

The Fourth Committee, Special Political and Decolonization, at the United Nations, adopted three draft resolutions focusing on the suffering of the Palestinian people due to settlements, and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

The text on “Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”, document A/C.4/79/L.16, was approved by a recorded vote of 152 in favour, 9 against, with 19 abstentions.

Under the resolution, the General Assembly will demand that Israel, the occupying power, comply with its legal obligations, as set out in the Advisory Opinions of the International Court of Justice in 2024, including ending its illegal presence in the occupied Palestinian territory as soon as possible, ceasing all new settlement activity immediately and evacuating all settlers from the occupied Palestinian territory.

Furthermore, the resolution will affirm Israel's responsibility, as an occupying power, to investigate all acts of violence committed by settlers against Palestinian civilians.

The Committee also approved a draft resolution on “Assistance to Palestine refugees (document A/C.4/79/L.13)), by a recorded vote of 165 in favour, 3 against, with 9 abstentions.

By its provisions, the General Assembly stresses the need for the continuation of the work of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and the importance of its continued unimpeded operation.

The General Assembly calls upon all donors to strengthen their efforts to meet the Agency's projected needs, including those related to increased expenditures and requirements resulting from conflicts and instability in the region, as well as those mentioned in recent emergency, recovery and reconstruction appeals and plans for the Gaza Strip.

A text on “Palestine refugee property and revenues”, document A/C.4/79/L.14, was also approved by a recorded vote of 161 in favour, 6 against, with 10 abstentions.

The draft resolution requests the Secretary-General to take all appropriate steps, in consultation with the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine, to protect Arab property, assets and property rights in Israel, and again calls upon Israel to provide all facilities and assistance to the Secretary-General in implementing this resolution.

The Permanent Representative of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, welcomed the vote on the draft resolutions, noting that this vote sends a message of hope to our people that the world has not abandoned them.

He pointed out that the world's vote on the draft resolution on settlements confirms once again that there is an international consensus to oppose illegal Israeli settlements and the colonization of occupied Palestine.

He stressed that the global consensus on the draft resolution on UNRWA confirms the international community's rejection of the campaign launched by Israel, the occupying power, to eliminate UNRWA and deny the status of refugees and the rights of Palestinian refugees.


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UN Fourth Committee adopts resolutions on settlements and UNRWA