

Thu 06 Apr 2023 5:30 pm - Jerusalem Time

Agricultural Relief launches two projects in Salfit

The Agricultural Development Association ( Agricultural Relief ) launched an agricultural project in the village of Marda in Salfit Governorate, with the participation of the working group that includes the Palestinian Hydrologists Foundation, the Psychological and Social Counseling Center for Women and the representative of the Spanish Association for Cooperation for Peace (ACPP).

The project was launched in the presence and participation of representatives of the working group, the Salfit Agriculture Directorate and the Agricultural Relief staff, in addition to the farmers and the head and members of the village council.

During the project, work will be done to rehabilitate 60 dunums of agricultural land through automated work, build retaining walls with a length of 1,800 square meters serving 60 dunums, install a metal fence for 40 dunums, distribute inputs to create 20 home gardens, distribute seedlings to farmers, and implement specialized workshops with 5 From the groups of society (farmers, youth, women, children, and people with special needs).

A community protection committee of at least 15 people will also be formed, a central workshop will be held for all groups, and a vote will be held on the most important risks and disasters in the town through the community protection committee, and specialized training will be implemented for members of the community protection committee and a community initiative will be implemented to reduce one of the risks that will be identified by the protection committee.

These activities come through the project "Local Strategy to Link Integrated Protection of the Rights and Dignity of the Palestinian Population Under Occupation in accordance with International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law, with a Special Focus on Gender Equality, Child Protection and Disaster Reduction" funded by the Province of Valencia and the Government of Cantabria.

It was also announced that an agricultural road would be built and rehabilitated in the village of Iskaka in Salfit Governorate, with a length of 1,500 meters, located in areas classified (C). This road will serve hundreds of agricultural dunums and facilitate farmers' access to their lands threatened with confiscation for the benefit of settlement projects.


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Agricultural Relief launches two projects in Salfit