Sat 01 Apr 2023 12:18 pm - Jerusalem Time

The family of martyr Nour Jarrar misses him during the month of Ramadan

With patience and faith, the citizen Salwa Jarrar resists the pain, agony and heartbreak that fills her life, and with all strength she seeks to suppress her feelings within her, during the blessed month of Ramadan, in the absence of her martyr son Noureddine Abdullah Jarrar, and the loss of her son Muhammad, who was subjected to a traffic accident in addition to a medical error that led to his death. .

Jarrar says, five difficult and bitter years, which I lived with the loss of my first son Muhammad, and the most difficult thing is that I live the days of Ramadan, in light of the loss of him and Noor, but I have no choice but to suppress my pain, my pain, and my inner pain, I cannot show it to my children at the Ramadan table, because I want to Strengthen them and give them patience so that they are steadfast and steadfast. This is our destiny as a Palestinian people.

Before and during Ramadan, the mother, Umm Nour, spends long hours of her day in his private room, which she decorated with his pictures, memories, and all the legacy he left for her. In our entire home, since the loss of my son Nour as a martyr, and Muhammad accepted him, we have lost many of the rituals that we used to have with his beautiful presence and the atmosphere that used to fill our lives with joy. My heart cries every moment for his separation, but I feel that his spirit accompanies us. As he used to have a special atmosphere even in our neighborhood and not just for our family, he used to lead a campaign before Ramadan with his companions to clean the mosque, decorate the neighborhood with beautiful lights, and always work to help the poor and communicate with the families of the martyrs.

And she adds: "Whenever I hear the loudspeakers at the end of every Ramadan day, I stand at the gate of my house and remember as if I see him alive. In addition to his hard work, especially in Ramadan, he is always keen to bring dates and sweets with him daily, and the Ramadan table is adorned with his presence, his spirit, and his great love for us and for everyone."

She pointed out that Nour had always wished to visit Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque and eat breakfast there, but he got what he wished for, which is the martyrdom that I blessed him with, and they prayed to God every day to accept it.

What increases the pain and anger of the mother, Umm Nour, is the absence of a grave to visit the beloved of her heart, whose body was kidnapped by the occupation after his martyrdom. And only the occupation declared his martyrdom, we want to know his true fate, and if he rose, then where is his body being held, especially after he completed his 20th year in the grip of the occupation,” stressing that his detention is a major crime, and a means of punishment and revenge from us.

And she adds: We do not have information about my detained son Nour, and I have the right to know his whereabouts, and despite that, I reserved a grave for my son, next to his brother Muhammad, and we wrote on it a specific grave for the detained martyr, whose body is Nour Jarrar .

On January 2, 2002, Nour was born in the city of Jenin , in which he grew up and was brought up, to be the second in his family of 5 members. He lived in a modest family that preserved the customs and traditions. His father owned a carpentry shop, and his mother was a housewife, and he taught in her schools, as well. He benefited his father until the tenth grade, then he got involved at an early age, in the fields of work of his own free will, he worked in nurseries and agriculture, then he joined his father in the carpentry, until he settled in the profession of delivering orders by means of his motorcycle, in which he worked until his death.

His father says, "Since he was young, he was distinguished by intelligence, acumen, and multiple skills, including a love of knowledge, dismantling and reassembling anything he saw, even complex things, and he loved diligence, activity, and work, with determination, ambition, and a desire to learn all things in life."

As his mother says, "My relationship with him was strong, and it was not limited to being a mother's relationship with her son, but rather a sister and friend at all times. I was the supportive and closest mother to him in all matters of his life, and I always hope to see him happy, and dream of his wedding."

The last time, the mother saw Jarrar, Nour, hours before his martyrdom at dawn on 8/16/2021, but she remembers that her feelings and longing for her during the hours of the preceding day were different and strange from the rest of the days, and she says: “I did not expect that he would be in My life and his moments in our house, and his sitting with me on that day will be the last, so after he came and rested for the afternoon, he went out as usual, and I asked him not to be late, and I told him: I miss you and I want to sit with you, and my longing on that day was strange, and I was surprised by my condition and my longing for him in a way Strange and different from normal days.. He came in the middle of the night, showered and perfumed, and slept on his bed that I left him in, and I was reassured that he would not leave the house, but he was not late, as I discovered later. When he heard of the occupation’s storming of the city and camp of Jenin, he fled from his bed towards the confrontation with great care. Not paying attention to him because he fears us and our feelings.”

According to the witnesses, Nour used to participate in resisting the occupation during every operation and invasion, secretly driving his bike, sometimes participating in the night confusion groups in monitoring the occupation and warning the resistance fighters, and at other times advancing the ranks with courage and daring, and at dawn that day, and when he learned of the new incursion, he was not late. So he went to the entrance of the camp, and clashed with the occupation, who had infiltrated under the cover of darkness, and occupied the buildings and set up a sniper squad in them, and while he was valiantly confronting the occupation, he was surprised by a sniper with his treacherous bullets, which did not stop after he fell to the ground covered in blood, so the snipers continued shooting at every body that moved towards Nour with what Amjad Azmy was in a nearby area, so he risked his life and rushed to reach him, and when he tried to help him and pull him out, the bullets surrounded them and he joined him after he was wounded, until the occupation forces managed to reach them, detained them and took them with them, and later announced their death. While the two young men, Saleh Ammar and Raed Abu Seif, rose during the operation.

All these events took place and continued until the time of the dawn prayer, without the knowledge of Nour’s family, until the calls continued that sparked the panic and fear of his parents, and when they arrived at the hospital, it became clear that the occupation had kidnapped Nour, and taken him with him, so that his family would experience the great shock, but she suppressed her pain for the sake of his soul, and his mother said "I was saddened and affected, but I remembered his love for the homeland, his constant talk about martyrdom and his request for her, and his refusal to marry, so I was patient and counted him as a martyr."


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The family of martyr Nour Jarrar misses him during the month of Ramadan